
*Crosses Ram off list of current FCA vehicles*

I’ll pass on calling dibs. Few things are more humiliating than being underwater on a Hyundai.

Wow. I’ve seen a lot of photos of the ‘Vette prior to this, but these ones make it look completely different. I actually really like the way it looks. I’ll have to trust your instincts here since you actually spent some time with it in the flesh, but the only aesthetic hiccup to my eyes is the rear taillight/signal

Great photos Kristen!  What camera do you use to shoot?

It does but this is about the PRINCIPLE 

The knob in my Golf TDI is like that. I point it straight up and then adjust the volume with the buttons on the steering wheel. The problem is, it detentes to juuuuuust left or or right of straight vertical so it’s always at least a little annoying. Also when my wife drives she just adjusts it to whatever she wants

As opposed to the visible spare tire, which I always carry around with me.

I touched it, and both rocker panels immediately disintegrated.

I’m now banned from Vietnam. 

Who wrote this Article and what did they do with David Tracy?   I don’t see a spot of rust on this vehicle!

I missed the part where it’s going to be an active lifestyle crossover with an available EV version.

There’s only one thing on this damned service that actually matters, and you all know it.

I’m speechless, but with 36,895 comments, I haven’t always been speechless.  This post is the best prize ever!  Thanks so much, Andrew!

If your Sony car dies, does that make it a Walkman?

Fairly predictable.

I think this car is the result of a board meeting in which a senior manager turned to the design lead and said, “Oh and Heinrich, don’t forget to add something for those millenial Americans. Very good.”

are considered desirable in the ZJ community” -In the land of the blind the one-eyed man is king.