
Oh noes. A nobel prize-winning economist went after a democratic socialist?

I think good op-ed writers can serve an important purpose. I also don’t think Nolan lumps in columnists with reporters at any point.

It’s so sad. She’s a year older than me & I can see this car crash happening.

Oh me as well. If only someone had said this to me. Of course, I probably wouldn’t have listened. Alas. Some things just have to be learned by experience.

that was a legit Kimmy Schmidt joke right there

Nope, any tweet that has to do with matters of running the country or his Admin or even tangentially related to presidenting falls under the public records act and are supposed to not be deleted. It’s just so minor compared to all the other laws he’s breaking.

It’s not. He’s supposed to preserve all of them because of the public records act for any tweet related to official business.

I really want to sit younger women in this situation like Selena down and say, “Believe him when he tells you who he is. Don’t make him better. Because he’s not, and he’s telling you the truth.”

It takes time for that lesson to sink in sometimes.

Why is he making the black power symbol?

I hear by listening, something our president is thus far incapable of doing.

Word. I mean their whole spectacle is a sad thing. She’s laying it on thick with this “hey guys, lookit my boyfrnd!!!!!!” It’s tacky and she looks desperate for attention, least of it from him.

Beat me to it.

Yeah, it doesn’t look like he’s even showing 1/10th of her enthusiasm or affection in any of these. Let it go, girl!


I’m sure Selena is on a first name basis and calls him The.

I read a blind item that indicated that he was dating whichever Hadid for the publicity, and I get the vibe that something similar is happening here too. He looks pretty nonplussed in these pictures.

He really doesn’t look that into her and her strange clingy antics.

She dated Beiber, I don’t know who is worse.

Selena, save yourself. (Why is Do Not Date The Weeknd not one of the recommended stories for this?)