
4 years. None of this 4-8 business.

wasn’t pretty white enough

Can you even imagine the outrage on the right if Michelle Obama had done this? I mean, the First Lady has a lot of traditional responsibilities at the White House, so who will do that?

When I think of the countless military families moved at the government’s whim multiple times, my sympathy for them runs a little low. And the fact that HE DOESN’T PAY TAXES SO THIS IS ALL ON US makes me a tiny bit ragey.

Millions to secure Trump Tower in NYC and millions for him to commute. I’m going to be busy Monday chewing out my congress persons about this.

How about the part where he thinks it is a M-F 9-5 job?

She’s changing the locks as soon as he’s out, right???

Just say no.

Or as 1939 is known in Trump’s America - The start of the war of Polish Aggression.

Perrin: “Hey Tom, wanna talk numbers?”

This gif is my everything, and sums up how I feel a lot lately. Someone posted on my FB page yesterday that ice cubes melting in your drink and the drink not overflowing proved that climate change and rising sea levels are a hoax. I made that face several times and just thought, I’m gonna let the rest of my science

“Did you hear what those Dixie Chicks said about our president? Let’s buy their albums and then burn them, that will show them!”

Accountable to what?? lousy coffee??

We call that Freedom Foam.

This is not a “protest”, it’s a statement!”

it is a “social experiment” the purpose of which is to “keep Starbucks accountable.”

Background: On the Tim Allen sign, the original did have “Cocaine” on it. Apparently, they had to cover it up, which is kind of a shame, tbh.