
Yes, those two things are exactly alike.

I’m left feeling embarrassed for him, watching how far he’s allowed himself to fall.

That is a pretty safe assumption to make though, and I just wish they’d assume everything a cop says is definitely a lie.

As a dude with kids and a pool, “harrowing ordeal” and “a parent’s worse nightmare” seems just a touch over-dramatic.

You don’t need to be an all-defensive first team player, but in general, you kinda need to at least try on defense and not openly sulk if someone scores more and gets more media attention than you. 

George Karl is a raging asshat, but he’s not wrong about Melo being lazy on defense and unable to make an overall team better.

It is the rare city that has an underfunded police department.

This is going to sound like hyperbolic crazy talk, and we probably need to look at some studies and collect some data on this, but it certainly seems like police officers do not treat Black people very well.

Maybe I just don’t know how to love America.

Except when Karen Jr. gets like soooooo drunk over spring break and gets pregnant, but like, that’s a totally justified abortion because it would be too hard to finish up her degree while pregnant and it’s not like she’s using abortion for birth control like all those slutty girls out there.

I’m a middle aged dude, and I recognize that I’m not the target market here, but damn that is ugly.

Preach on brother, I preferred when there were no “super teams”, and it was just Jordan-Pippen-Rodman, Olajuwon-Drexler, Shaq-Kobe, Duncan-Robinson, Robinson-Kawhi, Thomas-Dumars-Aquirre, Magic-Kareem-Worthy, Bird-McHale-Parish, Dr. J-Malone, and all those non-super-teams winning.  

Allow Romney to become Senate Majority leader if he caucuses with the Democrats.

Mayweather is a horrible, woman abusing asshole, but I was hoping he’d seriously mess up the face of the other dude for 8 rounds.  

One of the 472 things I did not understand about this movie is why they had to take turns running across the open field during a lightning storm.

The correct answer is Cinnabon at the Vegas airport when leaving on the hungover morning flight.

Had the Georgia Secretary of State simply said, “you know, there has been too much voter fraud in the state, we are refusing to certify these results and will instead appoint a slate of electors for Trump”, then Arizona and Pennsylvania do something similar, and now, we are in Trump second term.

I appreciate the tidbits of sports coverage from The Root since I just cannot read the D---S--- shitshow.  

I assume CP3 is just an evil MF’er in real life because no way does a good dude get this much shit from the basketball gods.

I was more impressed with the “I’m going to slowly rumble to the rim, make an easy lay-up, and there’s nothing you can do about it” moves last night.