
The one “backed by the established Democratic party institution” also got a shit ton more votes than anyone else, particularly among non-white voters, who oddly enough, are the only groups of which a majority vote for the Democrats.

Unfortunately, they can’t unless both campaigns agree to allow the moderator to shut of the microphones, and there is no way the Trump campaign would ever agree to that.

It is not just that we need to keep our majority in the House, we have to win the majority of House seats in the majority of states.

I’m all for asshats being tackled, but is this seriously how cops are trained to subdue a person?

He paid Stormy Davis substantially more than he paid in taxes.

Yes, your situation was stupid and not handled well by the teacher, and this kid getting suspended was stupid too.

The adults should have been able to figure it out after the fact, but in the moment, I would be pissed if a teacher didn’t report that a 9 year old had a gun in his room.

That is where I am on this. The end result was an overreaction, but I would certainly want a teacher to let me know that there was a gun in my kid’s room.

Remote schooling is all kinds of screwy, but I do want teachers to report seeing a gun around a 9 year old.

Absolutely it is cheap, but training and running a marathon is extremely time consuming.

He said,

Hmmmm, I wonder what types of folks have the time to train for a marathon? I wonder who has the time and the means to do extensive yoga?

I don’t know. At least at our BK, they are not offering 5 chicken strips for $1.00, so 10 nuggets for $1.50 isn’t bad.

The Federalist Society doesn’t give two shits about Roe.

I have one kid that likes BK nuggets and one that likes BK cheeseburgers. Sure, they are taking years off their lives by eating that crap, but I feel like this deal was specifically made from the order for my kids.

I did not fart.  I was breathing through my prostate!

I’m going to hijack an article to ask smart people what may be a stupid question.

Bread, waffles, donuts = easy win for Aimee.

They are absolutely hypocrites, but the only mental gymnastics is that whoever controls the Senate makes the rules.

This is the learning point.