
Feels like the opening scenes of any number of pandemic-apocalypse movies.

I’d rather have 5 conservative asshats on the SC for a generation rather than 7 conservative asshats on the SC for two generations.

Let me scroll up and check whether I said anything about white men, young folks, and all the other things you mentioned. Nope, I did not.

I get where you are coming from with the “53% of white women bullshit”, when under the best interpretation of the data, it was still 47% and still white women voted for Trump more than they voted for Hillary.

Sanders is not going to get a first term.

“No one announces their VP pick until they’ve already won the nomination,”

The NBA players are right. The owners of the NBA teams are wealthy.

Well, sure, but the men’s game is really nothing like the women’s game.  The men have to carry around a penis while losing soccer matches all over the world.

Give it a couple of weeks, and you’ll hear some GOP asshats starting to float trial balloons of postponing the November election.

Sure, which is why I went with “To paraphrase Chris Rock...”

Your conclusion jumping is Olympic worthy.

I encourage everyone to loudly shut down any talk of the players contributing to helping out all the workers and stadium employees.

3.5 to 11.5 years ago - this would be about the time when two million white folks would be screaming about FEMA prison camps being set up in Wal-Mart parking lots as the gov’ment is coming to take our guns.

That tapping sound you hear is the sound of 100 political consultants deleting Gillum’s name from any short list of any important position in any potential administration.

Allison wins because if you could only have one slice of one pie, and no more pie for the rest of your life, everyone in their right mind would choose pecan pie.

Isn’t that a good thing?

I like to envision a world where neither Biden nor Bernie ran this year.

I bet it is a matter of time before some GOP folks start floating out the idea of “suspending” or “postponing” the November elections.

“take a 30-minute break and just masturbate.”

Hey, don’t kink shame me!