Or very, very right.
Or very, very right.
Tell that to Hillary on November 8th, 2016.
I’m a big Warren supporter, and I am generally wrong (I thought Hillary would win), so I’m likely wrong here (but I don’t think so).
Is it time?
So, which states do we let decide who becomes the nominee? Which Democrats should we ignore?
Biden’s “campaign has lasted this long solely on name recognition, association with Obama, and large donors.”
Seems like you are enlarging the relatively small difference between Sanders and Warren and making it a huge chasm.
We are totally ready to have a female President.
While I agree with her and Bernie on most issues, my love for Warren and ambivalence towards Bernie highlights that Warren’s supporters may not readily gravitate to Sanders.
Warren was not a perfect candidate, but she was the most competent candidate this year.
I’m not trying to be clever.
Nope. I think you’ve got it right.
Klobacher and Mayo Pete are pretty well aligned with Biden on most issues.
“Snacks has not given any indication on whether he will enter the NBA draft.”
Bloomberg has an ego the size of the moon, but aside from getting to see his name everywhere, he undoubtedly would view spending half a billion dollars as a smart move.
“But, but, but, it’s different this time...”
It was “low down” for other Democrats to endorse and support Biden?
It seems lots of folks are missing Bloomberg’s motivation and chalking it all up to ego and narcissism.
It’s cool that we all get to have our own opinions.
County-wide in this context means you can vote at any polling station rather than in your specific precinct. There are hundreds in Houston, and it is very much convenient for me, but they did close some in neighborhoods that make it more difficult for people who live in those neighborhoods.