
Last year I flew enough to earn status on United, American and Delta, earning their first, second, and third tiers of status respectively. “

I think you might be right.

Extremely brave and sweet thing to do, but why did he climb back down?

it wasn’t often that the 37-year-old looked like the more exhausted man on the court. That description, more often than not, was more accurate for the Serbian,

Pelosi is generally useless and Shumer is even less useful than that.

I know this is probably just crazy talk, and we probably need more data to figure this out, but it is really starting to seem like Black people might be treated differently than White people in the US.

For a season, defense may be overvalued by some people, but in a playoff series, defense can swing the outcome pretty severely.

I do not disagree with the ultimate point of this article, but to suggest that the Democrats have a pretty clear and easy path to winning in 2020 is ludicrous.

Noted conservative asshat and former Astro Lance Berkman was announcing the game in Houston, and he blathered on for 10 minutes about how it was a bad call, the people who made the rules obviously never played baseball, and he just likes hard-nosed baseball rather than this soft stuff.

I might point out that the candidate with the penis beat Hillary, hence we are doing the whole primary thing again.

I can explain it.

Sadly, electability is now white supremacy and having a penis.

Wait a second. We’ve moved on to nationalizing industries now?

Although I am happily on Team Warren, I greatly enjoyed the Harris response to Biden, and of course because Trump is evil and stupid, I would support any of the Democrat nominees in the general election.

“What is it about Biden that so many black people like exactly? “

Are you this paranoid about everything or just politics?

I have no faith that the general American voting public could handle the details of anyone’s plans.

Trump resoundingly lost every debate to Hillary, and it was so bad that the media were practically saying Trump did OK because he did not soil himself on stage.

I would pay money to watch Giannis play when I won’t drive 4 miles to watch Harden play for free.

I tell ya, it is a burden, but we all have our bears to cross.