
But you know, it is all men.

“Women - but especially young women - have been the tip of the spear of the opposition against Trump.”

As long as two of those facets were not being able to create your own shot more than 7 feet from the basket or being the guy who you want to shoot when down 2 points at the end of the game.

And the dude who cannot create his own shot more than 7 feet from the basket and who is not the go-to guy when his team is down 2 at the buzzer wins the MVP.

Let me show my age here, but Nolan Ryan is a fucking cyborg.

Politicalorphans.com is a pretty decent place created by a former GOP supporter.

It looks like Cam wanted to switch a coach aisle seat for a coach bulkhead aisle seat with more legroom.

So, the fight was on the Upper East Side?

“But just wiping out that debt with new taxes and not doing anything about the cause will only ensure that in 25 years there’s another student loan crisis.”

For all that is good any holy, resist the urge to complain that “well, I paid off all my debt last year, what do I get out of this?”, and “I avoided college to avoid the debt, and I would have totally gone to college had I known this”.

That picture is like some nightmare vore porn where she’s eating herself, and while I won’t kink shame (you do you), that really isn’t going to float my boat, but I wholly endorse Ingraham somehow devouring herself and going away.

Those are the voters who are registered by party or at most those that willingly admit to a party affiliation. Some folks may not register as or admit to being Republican, but they vote GOP every freaking time. Those “independents” aren’t so independent.

“Kavanaugh wrote the opinion. He’s a gross person, but actually hasn’t been a bad justice so far.”

There is a reason she’s viewed as more electable than Bernie even though they are very similar policy wise.  Bernie is very unlikeable.  

Can you imagine how hard the military brass eye-roll Trump?

I do not disagree with the point of the posting at all, but if you want to talk cowardice, maybe you should put a picture of a dead American soldier rather than a dead little brown kid.

If you give this an overly generous interpretation, I think what he meant was,


Man, I hate to start something off with “In fairness to the Republicans...” because they are evil, racist asshats, but,

The only way Bernie is going to win is if they stop letting him talk to people.