Bernie should have gone for the trifecta, and said that folks like Warren because she’s a woman, she’s young, and she’s Native American.
Bernie should have gone for the trifecta, and said that folks like Warren because she’s a woman, she’s young, and she’s Native American.
I absolutely will not do that.
Just remember, if you rearrange the letters in “racist”, you get “Laura Ingraham”
I don’t know. I’m 51 years old and probably couldn’t identify three Taylor Swift songs with a gun to my head, but okie dokie.
I too wish the singers of bubble-gum pop music would more perfectly encapsulate the damage done by members of congress and the collective oligarchy in their bubble-gum pop music videos with people known for shooting fireworks from their boobs.
Sadly, many of them live in places where a Senate run is a fool’s errand (see Texas). For these folks, the only option for higher office is to move states or run for President, in the hope you catch lightening in a bottle and win or that you position yourself for a cabinet position that lets you run for higher office…
Obama’s winning of the Senate seat has a really weird backstory involving a sex scandal for a tall blonde on Star Trek: The Next Generation.
Yeah, I did the math, and the only way this works is if he gives $1,000 a year for 18 years, then you get to $50,000, assuming a 10% growth per year, which is a pretty big assumption.
The sleeping giant of the Hispanic vote is still awfully drowsy, and until that number changed, thinking the Hispanic vote is going to be determinative is pure speculation.
But what was true? Hillary swamped the voting, and if there is some way to try to imagine a scenario where Hillary did not swamp the voting, I’d love to hear it.
Folks might want to calm down with the Bernie-DNC conspiracy theories.
For the past 50 years, a majority of White voters have voted for the GOP Presidential candidate.
I’m 100% certain that Trump believes Charles is the Prince of Whales.
Tell that to the hundred million people who blissfully ignore rapes on college campuses after a party and by other acquaintances because “she didn’t get beat up” or “she didn’t fight back”.
I’m old, so I have read this exact same posting in 2011, 2015, and here in 2019.
Your overall point is valid, but the guys you mention are more acquaintance rape rather than the brutal rapes found in a 1800s penal colony.
I’d go with Harris in that battle, and I suspect that Warren would be surprisingly ruthless while Beto was trying to figure out what it all means to be him in this madness.
I guess I can see her point, I know that the violence and killing in the John Wick movies helps people understand that there is too much violence and murder in society, and the driving in the Fast and Furious movies highlights the very real problem of bad drivers who go slow in the left lane.
Holy shit, I just saw a black dude in the crowd, in Canada.
I suggest you tear/strain/crab a calf/achilles and then figure how you will respond as a 7 foot 250 lbs dude taps the ball away when you can no longer push off on a leg.