
That shit is nastier than Trump’s anus.”

With a President Hillary, Alabama would still happen because Alabama is Alabama and states get to be asshats, but if Hillary were President, we would not have Justices Gorsuch and Kavanaugh, so there would not be concern that the Supreme Court will happily gut Row-v-Wade.

The Warren clip should have been its own posting, and I suspect had it occurred with another Presidential candidate, it would have been a bigger story here.

He clearly traveled.  

I get all that. I don’t understand why the need to shit on Hillary as if she had done something wrong here.

Her record for the twenty years before that is of the “safe legal rare” variety and her presence as president would have stopped the conservative judges on the SCOTUS but would not have stopped the buffoonery these states have been gearing up for for over a decade.”

For one of the largest cities in the US, Houston has remarkably good/decent/ok race relations, and you generally do not see the tension with the cops that you see in Chicago/NY/Boston/etc.

I think we need a rule. If your party cheats in order to steal the election, you lose the election.

I have three kids (ages 6, 6, and 4). They eat crappy food because I’m not a great parent.

Sure, but those political differences shouldn’t have her behind Biden.

Oh sure, when I wander around looking for children to tickle and hug, all the sudden the police need to be called.

There is no way she should be polling behind Sanders and Biden.

Pre-Row was state by state, so rich white girls will have to go “visit a relative” in CA or NY, but no way is Becky or Madison going to mess up their college plans because they got knocked up after senior prom.

GOP women that matter to the GOP (white, middle-class and above) have always been and will always be able to get abortions.

While I’d like to agree, it will take them all of 9 seconds to pivot to, “Vote GOP or the Democrats will start killing babies again”.

Not to get too bogged down in history, but Hillary’s poll numbers were going down in the Rust Belt the more time she spent more time there. It seems like a calculated decision. The more time she spent there, the more focus the GOP had on her there.

I mean, his article makes perfect sense, if you happen to be white.

I’m a pudgy middle-aged White guy, so Kevin Durant have a lot in common, and when it felt like someone kicked my calf but no one was behind me, my “calf strain” turned into a torn calf muscle and had me not walking for a couple of days and not doing anything remotely athletic for four weeks.

This is where I am with the Warriors. I like watching them play. When they are locked in, they are impressive as hell and a joy to watch.

I think Denver has a real chance.