“But alas, after six weeks of planning, Domingo was apprehended by law enforcement officers on Friday evening.”
“But alas, after six weeks of planning, Domingo was apprehended by law enforcement officers on Friday evening.”
Assuming he does not simply say that the election is void and does not count, I suspect he does absolutely nothing during that period.
I think there was a 538 analysis of his stats, and if you somehow managed to take away all free throws, he still leads the league in scoring.
and the alternative would be...?
I mean, I get that it is hyperbole, but if you eliminated free throws, Harden is still the leading scorer in the league.
The ‘tics played well today.
Giannis is otherworldly, but if you had to take one player, it would be Durant, Lebron, and possibly even Kawhi before Giannis.
“To the very point that us on the left are left with guilt for leaving POC and LQBTQ behind to vote for the centrists who will do nothing to benefit them just to prevent voting in someone who will make things worse.”
Sure, I don’t disagree that it is the problem. I just disagree with your proposed solution to the problem.
I don’t know, I’ve never had a candidate that perfectly reflected my beliefs, so here in the US, probably better to vote for the candidate that comes closer rather than allowing Trump 2.
“Enabling is guilt.”
I feel like the tone of this article would have a bit different (maybe a touch bit more harsh), had this happened to Beto/Biden/Warren/Harris/etc.
I didn’t watch many (or not nearly all) of the Marvel movies, so this movie is not really for me, but can anyone just give a quick summary of what the hell happens?
Sadly, he’s done just about everything you could do on the court with the Warriors to earn that respect. He’s changed his game, he’s improved parts of his game, and he’s been their clutch guy in the playoffs the past two years.
Looking back with what you know now about OKC, and likely what Durant knew at the time, would you have wanted to spend the prime of your career dealing with playing alongside Westbrook?
Also, shitting on the floor
“The way we treat ordinary, hardworking Americans who are middle-class and working-class people trying to get into the middle class, is that we treat them like they’re a means to an end, as opposed to an ends in itself.”
While I would like to agree with you, it just doesn’t work that easily. The “I like beer” supreme court hearing had both sides bloviating and blustering with relatively little the chairperson to do.
Had what happened to Bernie happened to Biden, Beto, etc., there would have been 14 different posts about it here.
But they have no problems with a woman being president. In fact they welcome it.