
Who goes out on a first date in a big forest alone? That screams “YOU WILL BE MURDERED” to me.

He clearly didn’t get his scout badge in swimming.

or that it was just a rumer?

I was really sad when I found out that Beck was a scientologist.

I couldn’t be more proud of my doppleganger right now!

Greatness. Pure greatness. She inspires me and countless other little black girls to not be ashamed of our bodies, our strength, our hair, just fucking everything. The Williams sisters are by far my favorite athletes and are some of the best in their sport. People will talk shit, some deserved, but she is the best.

Serena is the most dominant athlete in sports. It’s not even close.

Serena Williams is amazing. She won her first major in 1999. Sixteen years ago! And now she's making a run at a grand slam. It's hard to think of too many athletes who have remained so dominant for so long. Tim Duncan? Kareem Abdul-Jabbar? Peyton Manning? Babe Ruth?

Watson had her on the ropes, the crowd kept being too loud and Serena complained. They booed her and that was the turning point after Watson couldn’t convert in that game up a break to serve for the match.

Completely different situation. For numerous reasons.

There must be some cause for his delusions.

American Communists during the early years of the 20th century were pro-equality. The idea of making women and non-whites equal to white males was one of the main motivation behind the anti-commie red scare.

A little backstory here:

Not sure I could love this comrade more.

Except that alleged neutral third party were his attorneys. If he had an issue with the passports, then he should have brought it up with the courts. He doesn’t get to unilaterally deny the children access to their mother.

Pure speculation on my part, but.

My theory is they know he’ll fuck it up.

I know a few other commentators have asked this question, but has any of the media coverage addressed the issue of why Jim Bob and Michelle are the ones doing the press tour and speaking out for Josh when he’s a 27 year old man?

He has a face that looks like the result of Gary Shandling mating with a pig.