
Bystander effect. All these people were seeing this and wondering “why is no one doing anything? Should I do something? But why is no one else doing anything?” I bet a bunch thought it must be on the level, because no one was doing anything, and just went about their day.

He had been captured once before, revealed Lopez. “Indians in Peru had me tied up and buried in sand to my neck when they found what I had been doing to their daughters.”

I felt the same thing. For Shame Barbara Walters. For Shame. What she did was a serious crime, and not something to feel sympathy for, especially since Mary shows absolutely ZERO signs of remorse.

There was a teacher at my high school who slept with a student I was in the same social circle as. Years later she talked about it a little bit, because it was basically common knowledge. I ran into that teacher VERY drunk at a bar one night, he was actually performing karaoke when we walked in. Something about his

I’ve been reading bits and pieces about this interview over the last couple of days, and the part that bothers me most is when Vili states that the would never let his children go through the same situation, that he would never allow his daughters to get involved with an older man; he also talks about how he was

Barbara was pissing me off through the whole interview. She kept saying crap like “I can’t believe that they have you down as a sex offender” or “And your affair...” This was just crazy. Even my 17 yo daughter thought her agreeing with and saying things that make it seem ok to have sex with a child when you are a

“I knew he was trouble,” tee hee! Really? REALLY?

We live in the area. We’ve had enough of Mary Kay LeTourneau to last a lifetime already.

“She needs to give up that dream like yesterday.”

Nobody in their right mind would let this woman teach students under 18. She needs to give up that dream like yesterday

It used to be that a woman was believed to be property of either her father or her husband.

That doesn't bother me as much as "bone broth". Come on lady- your broth is not special. In fact I will put my "bone broth" up against hers any fucking day.

I just can't stop thinking about how stupid this is. He seems like a reasonable Dude and has explained why he doesn't like talking to the media. And yet here they are, thinking he owes them a damn thing. The truth is that the NFL has outgrown it's need for media. It's such a massive behemoth that games could be played

Marshawn should give a lengthy interview concerning his thoughts on deflate-gate. The media universe would collapse within itself. A black hole of hot takes.

An all male Sex and the City sounds totally rad! You should totally pitch that to Hollywood, the tag line could be 'putting the man back in mani pedi!

The fact that this case was a slam-dunk was a function of just how much video/photo/audio evidence there was.... As we've seen in the Rice case, the country is FINALLY ready to believe a woman's claim of abuse as long as there are two videos of it.

What's not to understand? The number of rapes that occur in any given country is in stark contrast to the number of rapists who actually end up in prison.

Those lists of charges are fucking horrifying.

Honestly, I'm surprised the entire case wasn't thrown out and the boys weren't given medals the way rapes are usually treated. I guess no one could dispute this but we all know how they have tried. I'm only sorry for the rape survivors who are reading this wondering why their rapists are still free and still telling