Yeah, sure. Getting hotel rooms for some hand holding action.
Yeah, sure. Getting hotel rooms for some hand holding action.
I do really think this may have been written by a child. Or a grown man to talks to grown women like they're children.
Wait a minute. If Jennifer Aniston is at 20% Theron in this movie, but looks like "a regular-ass person," does that mean that us regulars are 20% Monster?
This attention mongering by Sherman seems way out of character for him.
Three things:
I sent a telegram to my servants asking them to clutch some pearls and pray for youths.
Like, 13 years ago, I got arrested for "borrowing" an RV that was for sale in my neighbors yard. He had left the keys in the ignition. My pal and I (totally sober btw) decided to take it for a spin around the block. When we got back the cops were waiting for us. My neighbor didn't press charges. He actually kinda…
You are my hero.
no shame here, only pride: in response to your guinea pig photo, I present my boyfriend's uncanny-valley, animal onesie costume.
Oh god
Halloween is fucking insane in my town - seriously, people come from other states to celebrate here - and I try to avoid it as much as possible, because the novelty of getting puked on by guys in penis costumes wears off pretty quickly.
When I was in college, my roommate and I went to some Halloween party with a girl from our dorm. The next morning, she comes walking up to the common area still in her eighties-prom outfit. We asked her where she ended up staying the night...she lifts up her dress to reveal her yellow thighs and says "Bart Simpson…
When I went to get coffee the morning after Halloween this year, the barista asked me if I was still dressed up. I was not. He said I looked like I was Nancy Drew. Not sure whether to be flattered or insulted.
What about cutest, funniest kids...
There are people protesting? The fuck is wrong with people man?
Indeed. Imagine having to kill yourself to get away from a braintumor AND a meadiashitstorm.
Those media and protestors should go home and reconsider their life choices.
...chosen not to die Nov 1, that is.
Wait, isn't it more accurate to say she hasn't chosen to end her life yet? Unless I missed something, she still plans to end it on her terms, she just doesn't feel the moment is right yet.
I wish her a surprise remission and excellent health.