
Time is a flat circle!

She's defending her actions left and right on Twitter. Just because she writes well and can be charming doesn't mean she's acknowledged her wrong-doing. In fact, an abusive person telling the world about their bad behavior in a self-deprecating way is called gas-lighting, and it's a form of aggression against their

The review was factually correct. Your hypotheticals make no sense. There's no bias involved in identifying stalking. There is no world in which what Hale did doesn't qualify as stalking. It wasn't sleuthing. It wasn't an investigation. It was stalking AND HALE HERSELF REPEATEDLY SAID IT WAS STALKING.

In what way did the content of the review not match the book? Just because Hale doesn't understand that statuatory rape is, in fact, rape, does not make Harris' review incorrect.

Of COURSE that loony tune would support her.

People will forgive a great deal of someone who is well-connected – in terms of lack of competency and disturbing behavior, both – and a whole lot less in people who are not.

I don't think it's her gender - it's her powerful connections and friends and their potential influence in publishing. No one who wants to be published someday wants to speak out too harshly against someone close to Frank Rich.

I couldn't understand how anybody could be neutral about this. This woman is out of control.

Why on earth do you believe anything the author said about Blythe? I read her comments about the book; they were genuine. She has reviewed plenty of books, rating an average of 3.5. This isn't someone who just gleefully sets out to destroy authors' careers. It's a reader with an opinion.

I frequent a number of writing forums and this story along with the Grisham one has revealed a great deal about some of the writers there. If nothing else it has provided me with a list of writers whose books I will definitely not be buying.

It's appalling, especially because of the way she grabs onto it with glee. She's spent the past few days endlessly retweeting praise of herself.

I can't believe people are defending her actions. I felt like i was on crazy pills when I read that part.

Also, I wish more people were pointing out that Hale's article about Blythe is a direct act of aggression against her. It is nothing more than an attempt to scare her, harm her further, violate her boundaries more, and worm deeper into her brain. It's disgusting that Kathleen Hale is being allowed to essentially

A few months ago I read this whole long saga about the author of "Something Borrowed" who was so upset that her newest book only landed at #2 on the Times list that she sent her husband and fans after some random girl who wrote a negative amazon review of the book. And like, the review wasn't even mean, she just

I think I was going to explode if you guys didn't cover this story. Thank you for giving it the attention it deserves. Kathleen Hale is a deeply disturbed person. It's horrifying to see so many people—including writers I thought highly of—defend her actions. If she had been a man, no one would be calling her piece

This woman sounds at best "off" at worst a danger to others.

Well, that explains why the blogger was anonymous. Because apparently authors are fucking nuts.

That's genuinely pretty fucking awesome.

Conversely, when getting his hair actually ripped off his skull, Marshawn Lynch is heavily criticized for not complaining to the media

Its pretty clear these men all support teams who suck and the women know better.