This is why we need a federal mandate requiring fact based science and sex education, as a starting point. It should never be ok for any public school in this country to turn out graduates who believe their is a "reasonable debate" about climate change and evolution.
Religious tax exemptions piss me off to no end, especially when I see homeless people sleeping on the sidewalk outside of large, ornate churches.
No, they just need to stop, period. No adoption agency or state if they have a brain cell should ever adopt to them. Any children needing a home needs to go to a home where the parents are raising the kids, not kids raising kids. Kids needing homes deserve better than this and I feel so sad for any more children that…
OMG, these people are fucking insane. A VAGINA IS NOT A CLOWN CAR - give it a rest already you stupid bitch, and your collaborator, too.
Ok This is really starting to tick me off because the whole religion tax dodge is one very large pet peeve of mine.
...this is why we need laws about home-schooling curriculum.
Self supporting with the money they make from a television show that they have to keep interesting by continuing to have children.
The whole "self-supporting" schtick is their most noxious lie, IMO.
lolwtf, are all their sponsorships going to get taken away if she stops shitting out kids or what?
I think maybe it was a Freudian slip because I want to hit this guy over the head with a viola.
Sounds like Robin is having some Growing Apart Pains.
SO true. I definitely had times when I was younger where I let peer pressure lead me away from relationships that probably would've been fulfilling purely because of societal expectations and fears. Of all the mistakes I've made in my life, those are the ones I'm most ashamed of.
Yeah, I don't think this is commentary on forcing yourself to be attracted to someone who you're not attracted to. It's about letting societal pressure bully you out of being attracted to someone who you ARE attracted to.
Louie hit this one on the head. I've dated a lot of heavier girls and I've definitely felt the judgement from other men. The problem isn't that men don't like big girls; it's that men don't like the way other men look at them when they're with big girls. It's a societal issue that Louis illustrates flawlessly. It's…
When it's clear that he's only resisting to date you because you're fat, as it is very clear with Louie, then yes you absolutely should call him out on it.
I don't know. As a woman in my 50's I think her emphatic insistence that she is still a sexual being can be viewed as kind of revolutionary.