I would like the guy from the first story to kick the guy from the second story
I would like the guy from the first story to kick the guy from the second story
Ever been passed by a guy pushing two kids in a stroller and running his golden retriever? Because that happened.
"I knew I wasn't good enough to actually compete, but it was just really nice to be able to hang in there with some guys I'm huge fans of for a short while." - Tebow
I'll just quote doggiehowser because he or she seems to be the only one to get it and there isn't much more to add.
But while Betty was absolutely pretty, I don't think she was a sex symbol. That matters. She had roles with comedy and personality and that makes us love her more than anything so aging is far more acceptable.
So in other words be so lucky to have the genes that allow you to age gracefully.
I really enjoyed this Slate piece on the treatment that both Kim Novak and Liza got at the Oscars. The part that got me was the use of the "she should grow old GRACEFULLY like so-and-so" regarding Novak, as I saw that a lot on my Facebook feed during the Oscars. When people say that, they are typically referring to…
I would argue that Kim Novak's biggest hater is herself. Starving her self for the oscars and hating your 81 year old face so much that you inject fat into it screams I hate myself and am willing to do shitty things to myself so that I can "feel" good. If she wanted to "feel" good you'd do things that help you love…
Wait... Cougars don't kill other animals?
Thank you for your helpful advice on how to avoid being raped by not being raped, on how to seek justice following your rape by hoping for justice, and on how to cope with being raped by not making other people feel bad that you've been raped. Every man should instruct his women thusly.
I wonder if he goes to the same doctor, or did he have to Shop Around?
Did anyone take it far too seriously? Please tell me someone took kickball far too seriously and yelled at you, about kickball.
When I was in 4th grade, I became a kickball legend. I was playing 2nd base, with runners on 1st and 2nd base, with no outs. Anyway, up comes the opposing team captain and he kicks a screaming line drive right to me (out #1). I catch the ball chest high, center mass. I pivot slightly to my right and notice the the…
El oh el, crafty, sad, bastard isn't he.
Clearly Redacted has got it out for some girl on the team who, in turn, has got it out for some other guy on the team and Redacted is trying to buy himself some time.
I think that everyone SHOULD self-explore a bit in their teens. That doesn't mean they're obligated to keep doing it if it doesn't happen to ring their bell.
Funnily enough, the more I masturbate the less likely I am to get off with a partner. I get so used to a certain kind of touch or technique (or so used to a vibrator) that a guy hasn't got a hope of replicating it, since he can't feel it.
Girls do masturbate. They probably just admit to it less.