
Great article! Just FYI, I am the author of that article debunking Dr Cutler. I would highly appreciate if you linked to the article, not just the image you’ve got there (which is a mistake, I think). Cheers! Joe

I have seen this article show up for just about any search related to pheromones. I think it leads to some very sketchy products, but if someone does end up looking into pheromones I suggest starting here: this has summarized a lot of current research and breaks it

Kendradical, that’s what confuses me too! Who cares if people are gay?? Why does everyone need to know it in the first place?

Maybe they should hire Miley Cyrus to kick things up a notch?

Also note, I am not attacking LGBT whatsoever, I just find it a little strange to see it such a big part of popular culture when they make up such a small part of population. It’s not unusual for straight people to have 1 or 2 gay friends in real life (although I have met a lot more while wearing pheromones (https://ho

I think robots and “AI” have a very long way to go before they are able to mimic human movement and develop a way to “think” for themselves. There is a lot of chemistry in the human body that simply can’t be replicated. I actually saw an advertisement for something called a “waifu”, which is a Japanese product that

I, like someone else mentioned below finds it quite amazing that so many people are “uncomfortable” with it, although questions need to be asked about how it was phrased. To be quite honest, the LGBT community does seem to be pushing their lifestyle a little hard for my liking. For example, “representation” in the

I realize this is an old article, but I think the author really missed the mark here. If she had done any serious research into pheromones without any prejudice, she would have realized that pheromones HAVE been proven. What HASN’T been proven, is whether humans can detect them through an organ called the vomeronasal

A lot of people have recommended me this show, but after a few episodes I simply gave up because of exactly the same complaints as the mature commenters here. There is simply no need for that much perversion on a TV show, it’s excessive and disgusting. I don’t care about LGBT “representation”, nor do I care to incest