

Hey dumbsss. On this site the only race card is the one brought by white male fragility. So, shut up on a black site with black focused viewpoints made by black women and men.

I think you are on to something cause, this bryson tiller song came out and in he’s talking to his girlfriend he cheated on, and he spouts some dumb line about how j cheated and beyonce stayed so she should stay with him. And I remember thinking if i was her I woulda been like, bitch do I look like beyonce to you?

God. Damn. It. Bojack. Horseman.

I’m on episode 11 (from the FUTURE!) and holy fuck is this show heartbreaking and brilliant. That’s all I want to say. Now, I’m going back to watching my heart break on a weekend that already has me mourning Harry Dean Fucking Stanton. Pass the Johnny Black.

I’m almost getting tied of coming onto AV Club and saying “This show is so me,” but fuck, man...

At least you started to realize it. I never put it together until Princess Carolyn described how it was her coping mechanism, and I practically begged the show not to cut to the credits.

The “Miss Carrie” gag was out there, man.

Looking at the list of possible holidays there, I’m assuming “Belabor Day” is to commemorate the day they came up with all the Courtney Portnoy stuff.

Is there some rule among the Bojack cast that they won’t submit themselves for Emmy considerations? Because the fact that NO member of the show has been nominated is patently insane, and Amy Sedaris did the best work in her whole career with this episode IMO. When she did the fake framework reveal, I elicited a

Weirdly enough, this wasn’t a favorite of mine. This season has continued to waver in my enjoyment of each episodes. Each are good in their own way, but are they... ENJOYABLE? I don’t know how to even put this into words.

When first watching this I bought into the framing device. I thought, “Ok, even if things look shitty now Princess Carolyn had a family and everything worked out because that charming cat girl is talking about her”.

I feel like the credits music didn’t fit well in this episode. The lyrics were spot on, but it didn’t punch as hard as the usual ending song does. It still didn’t distract from how painful that ending scene was, though.

“Kick in the urethra” isn’t just a line from Bojack Horseman, it’s the mission statement. I don’t think I’ve been as gobsmacked by an episode of TV since How I Met Your Mother pulled the same trick five years ago.

With that said, the scene where Princess Caroline flicks on the lights to see the apartment full of clowns was also the greatest visual gag of the entire season. I could. not. stop. laughing! Bit of an emotional rollercoaster.

This was, for me, the single most devastating Bojack ending thus far. The one about the voices in Bojack’s head was pretty bad, especially because I could relate to that. But I also know that feeling when you turn to daydreams to distract yourself from your real life, but then you have that anxiety triggered moment

Of course, someone had to come here and shit on black women. The same black women doing the raising of kids by themselves. Now do you have anything to say about the absentee parent or a society that abandons these women or nah?

Bro, do you even know this community? Do better.

Girl you late. lol. It was tasha at the end of season 1. 

I was pro Lawrence until he called Issa a fucking Ho’. Yeah they were having their breakup conversation and deliberately trying to hurt each other but he became trash to me when he crossed that line. A 5 year relationship is hard to end but there are just some lines you don’t cross.