"I'm ba—my back!"
"I'm ba—my back!"
Shout out to a list with "Chump Change" on it. Essential Dan Bejar.
Or that the White House isn't in Boston.'
"And while it’s doubtful anyone out there is pitching the Blake Shelton Musical Comedy Hour…"
+ @matthew_stechel:disqus He also gave us the very effective Stir of Echoes just for the sake of argument. He had good source material, though.
I don't know what you're talking about. I don't even know what those words mean.
This loser can't hold a candle to the Let's Paint TV guy:
"Two Can Win" is definitely my favorite.
[Tosses paper with "A-" marked on it on Internet's desk]
And I will leave THIS here: https://www.youtube.com/wat… (The same segment with the actual footage from the performance intercut.
What's THE article on him, if I may ask?
His comments on his plans are very heartening to me:
Yeah who wants to see Mob Reagan boy that doesn't sound awesome
Amazing delivery of that line by Azaria.
Wait a minute there's no AV Club Reviewer "Les Chappell."
You gotta get those rocket house brakes checked every 25,000 miles.
You can't blame him. Marge probably told him what her sisters told her about fire drills: it's where they drill a flaming hole in your head.