I love that Ralph is the one that cautions Homer against getting wax in his mouth. Possibly speaking from experience.
I love that Ralph is the one that cautions Homer against getting wax in his mouth. Possibly speaking from experience.
Ned's "We'll see son, we'll see" is the first thing I think of whenever this episode comes up. Harry Shearer is so sincere and weary there it's absolutely hilarious.
The NIN/Carle Ray Jepsen mashup was actually amazing, you dork.
If anything he should be OVER-pardoned for all of the lives he says he could have saved on 9/11.
Yes. Because that isn't going to make any money.
This performance of "Ain't Got No…I've Got Life":
I saw him on the street eatin' M&Ms with a spoon!
A David Cronenberg Ninja Turtles movie would be pretty amazing.
Hey, it's the app for people who post "BETTER CAUL SAUL!" whenever they see anything about Bob Odenkirk!
Yeah. Ben. He's coming home from the library one very cold and blustery afternoon and It takes the clown form. If I recall correctly he's kind of hypnotized by it for a moment because suddenly he notices It is a lot closer than he was before. There's all kinds of fun stuff like that in the book. I fucking love that…
I hope there are lots of owwies.
I have the luxury of being both impressed by Fukunaga AND having It be my favorite Stephen King novel. I think he could be a wonderful fit for the material, and I'm heartened that so much time has been spent by him developing it. Hopefully this one won't be so focused on the "clown"-side of the monster, entertaining…
That's actually sort of lame. I like the "he's just mentally imbalanced/it's a coping mechanism" version a lot better, but maybe Marvel feels that's kind of insensitive.
I am genuinely interested in a Washington/Pratt version of that scene where they bury the indian guy in Boot Hill.
Yeah, I'm fairly surprised by this. Almost every line and gag is golden. The bit with the guy trying to drink Fry with a straw and Fry just being like "Cut it out" is a moment I always think about and laugh.
Why, though? What about Johnny and Sue being BIOLOGICAL siblings would be so necessary to any storyline that explored or put conflict into their relationship?
He was mean in real life to a stranger's son about scholastic effort, as well: http://deadspin.com/bill-co…
That's the only thing that pisses me off about this. That it's going to give so many thick-headed racist nerds ammo to argue that casting the black guy was the first "bad" choice instead of say…probably every choice after that.
I think he really hit rock bottom when the Stretch Armstrong movie fell through. Imagine going from a cultural phenomenon like the Twilight movies to having all of your chips on a Stretch Armstrong movie.