Ah, pledge drive season: reminding me of those horrible days when I'd be in my car for hours, turn on NPR, and want to kill myself for forgetting my MP3 player.
Ah, pledge drive season: reminding me of those horrible days when I'd be in my car for hours, turn on NPR, and want to kill myself for forgetting my MP3 player.
I enjoyed Source Code…but a sequel to it sounds more like something you'd be able to pick up at Red Box in a few months starring Taylor Lautner.
That last moment of him raising his voice is where I realized it was Daly. Such a signature tone from him.
In addition, Jimmy and Hugo resolved things sweetly, so even their aggro dudes don't hold onto that kind of anger.
It was that green shit they shot at him.
I'm still hopeful they're going my ideal way with it: making Joker the antagonist.
It's in the trailer, but yeah, that would have been a hell of a reveal for me if I hadn't seen it before.
This has the potential to be even more of a success than "Let's Save Tony Orlando's House!"
I RT that one at least once a month.
Jimmy Pardo.
For men of a certain age (OK I'm only 31), Catherine Keener in The 40 Year Old Virgin is the goddamn perfect woman.
I'd be fine with them just cancelling those obnoxious AMC promos.
Whenever I see that cat I'm just reminded that its owners tried to pretend they called it "Tard" short for "Tardar Sauce" and I get upset all over again.
Mike's snicker at that is so funny.
I could hear his voice through the whole thing. Especially the "Jesus Christ!" at the Oscar nomination.
Frank Darabont's The Mist. It's an absolutely silly, pointless, needlessly cruel ending that does nothing to enrich what preceded it. It completely deadens everything it had built up beforehand. It's Darabont seemingly deciding on a whim "Wouldn't that be SOMETHING?!" The open ending of the original story at least…
Hi doggie
"Hwat…a DUMP."
It never was. It's really lazy and easy and the aesthetic is fucking terrible. I hate, hate, HATE it.
I bark-laughed at this.