That's my favorite poem of Dalton's.
That's my favorite poem of Dalton's.
"Don Lemon" should be a flamboyant mafia boss that wears bright yellow suits, not a toadying nerd who asks rape victims horrible questions.
I love Peanuts, but I would listen to an argument that it never got better than this first strip:
Can't wait to see how Hellevator neuters and compartmentalizes every last shred of genuine spark that might come from such a relatively interesting idea.
My gurnal is going to hear about this.
Those singles he released from that other "classic sound" record weren't the worst thing in the world, either. They were much better than this one, even. I just don't have the energy to commit to the idea that he isn't completely beyond redemption at this point. He's a miserable little shit and he doesn't deserve it.
It certainly can't be worse than The Strain.
Absolute best one. And the audio-book versions really add something to the experience, even if you've already read them before.Really campy, fun, sometimes genuinely creepy stuff.
I think his plan was going to be to eat the real burger in the bathroom and then hope he could still just hang out without ordering anything and Bob not being suspicious of that. Which is a very "Teddy" thing to think.
I didn't see this mentioned yet but my favorite moment of last night's episode was Teddy muttering that he paid that guy $300 for the burger. Which really says more about Teddy's poor negotiating skills than anything else.
Fans will be happy to know there's a rousing scene next season where a CGI'd Ser Pounce will fight a direwolf.
That actually is pretty much right up my alley.
Yeah, those scenes just come across as very grating to me now.
I dunno man u heard some of these PJ Harvey jams?
"Nice try, Floyd, But you were designed for scrubbing and scrubbing is what you shall do."
That last line is one of my all-time favorites.
I enjoyed a lot of Aaliyah's music, but I haven't seen this movie so I can't really comment on it except to share one of my all-time favorite tweets c/o the now defunct "@graeyalien" Twitter account:
I'm imagining Chief Wiggum saying this. Am I correct?
I can see Dr. J's point while still being miffed how to the mat he's going for Tyson. You can understand why he's viewed as safe and approachable and even marketable to the public now, but you don't have to *condone* it.
"Two, Whenever Cosby's not on a show, everyone should be asking 'Is it because of the numerous rape allegations?'"