So…this Stephen King short story then?…
So…this Stephen King short story then?…
Nine Sweaters is a goddamn masterpiece.
The better Tina Fey-related story going on right now is her kind words about Jan Hooks that involve a nice little Rob Schneider-diss stinger at the end:
Who can forget all the neighborhood kids dressing up as John Carter for Halloween? I remember going as Conan the Barbarian as a youngster and having to angrily correct every adult who thought I was ol' classic J.C.
Congrats on being white.
There is a bit where the strings do come in, though, right? The moment of triumph when George and Loraine finally kiss and Marty's siblings start popping back in the photo.
I've really enjoyed Davidson's participation in sketches so far. He really does seem to be attempting to sell and elevate even the weakest material and put his own spin on it. He seems to have that rare, unique voice that a lot of the male talent has lacked for awhile in my opinion.
The Simpsons is batting a perfect average when it comes to using them for jokes. The bit where Bart and Lisa decide Casper is just Richie Rich after he committed suicide, This: (…. , and in this episode my biggest laugh came from Hot Stuff saying "I melted it. Get it?"
I was trying to look for evidence of what had transpired. What the unnamed girl had done to provoke the Commordore's displeasure. I paused it and there seemed to be a long gash in the rug behind the couch. Was that it? Did she act out? And suddenly it came to me that it doesn't really matter what brought about these…
Tell me more.
Dear White People,
My upvote was for NoES 3 and NOTHING ELSE!
Prisoner of Azkaban…the WORST Harry Potter movie? Oof.
Who do you think launched that space probe, buddy?!
There are precious few outlets for the black viewpoint in film and TV today that aren't tempered with respectability politics. I think the frankness and radicalism of Lee, and to a lesser degree, Steve McQueen, are sometimes needed to push the discussion out of a the airless vacuum it so easily and often gets caught…
"The whole Mau Maus plot should have been dumped,"
Shit bruh. If you consider that an antiquated scenario then you have led a charmed life.
You can't tell David Zucker what to do!
I guess my edit isn't showing up.