Yes he did, in my favorite episode of the entire series. He has the best send off I’ve seen on television.
Yes he did, in my favorite episode of the entire series. He has the best send off I’ve seen on television.
I wore the cassette tape out playing it in my car. ANGST SISTERS UNITE
I got chills when the music started. Huge chills all down my body.
I hear the heir to the throne is a former vagrant and thief who used lies and manipulation to marry his way into royalty. This man’s only friends are a monkey and a rug- a genetically-modified, sentient rug. His record of harassing and assaulting law enforcement is lengthy, and he’s been known to visit brothels.
In the parlance of 1995, “you’re damn skippy!”
I’m sure this has been pointed out before, but Turing Pharmaceuticals is an extremely ironic name for a company that acts without basic humanity.
Kumail’s tweet is gold. I actually did ‘laugh out loud’. Because his arrest was pretty much the best thing that happened to anybody yesterday.
Oh my god, Twin Peaks is truly in the works, and this new production trailer from its future home Showtime gives us…
I believe Kate was recruited into this family, in part, for her ability to add some highly photogenic genes to the pool.
What would 60 million Britons want with the 100 million bat-shit crazy racist and fundamentalist Americans that come with the rest of the country?
He ain’t perfect, he could have chosen to define the narrative with a harsher edge, but, the man never panicked, never lost his cool, never lowered himself to level of the filth that had such a hard on to take him.down. We are going to miss this man and his no drama Obama when the next impulsive maniac occupies the…
I fuckin’ love fourth quarter Obama.
Hurray, now he can develop a kick ass painkiller addiction.
Fuck that. Princess free, the way to be. I banned Disney and it’s GLORIOUS.
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