A House In Virginia

I’m just waiting for the trolls to comment on how racist the Democrats... WERE.


it’s GONE.

yeah after the Palin Turkey Guillotine clip, this is all really lame by comparison.

Big-ass reception where everyone requests their fave Madonna tracks.

DAMMIT but when are Madonna and Sean getting remarried????

I think women have to be particularly re***ded to join Isis.

how much you wanna bet your ancestors illegally settled this country?

I didn’t even know American Apparel still existed!

let’s talk about the HOTTIE in the first pic...

I want to say she’s dumber than Debi Matenapoulos and Elisabeth Hasselbeck put together, but...

I “pray” the Christofascists keep this up.

Prepare to welcome Bill Clinton back to the White House.


I could seriously CRY about how much you’ve deprived yourself, lo these past 20 something years!!!

Splitting hairs, but:

Ralph Nader is the devil.

have you seen what passes for a TEXTBOOK in Texas?


MEH only if I can get a selfie with the ghost of River Phoenix.
With Christina Applegate screaming in the background, preferably.