meh it’s ignorant (and easy) to equate the two parties.
meh it’s ignorant (and easy) to equate the two parties.
LOL you’re giving the Amurrkan Right too much credit.
I thought “Conservative Democrat” had gone extinct since Y2K...
he’s gotta go.
part of the reason I’m gay is that Bridezillas make me impotent.
he needs to resign. This is embarrassing. The Left is better than this.
I’m 100% serious here:
by putting them up on a pedestal, we’re saying who they are and what they do is OK.
what you’re looking at is PTSD from “Blanket Training” 20 years on...
Cannot stand her; have never been able to.
right, which is why you notice they thrive when dumb Amurrkans say crap like “both parties are the same” and when their talking heads say “both sides do this.”
re: Zac Efron- I ALWAYS find the “photo jumping in mid-air” to be so incredibly douchy.
HIV is so weak that oxygen will kill it.
she just reminds me of the Midwestern ignorance of my youth.
she’s more embarrassing to a Chicagoan than “Chiraq”... or Blagojevich.
and further: it was Rumsfeld, within the REAGAN admin, that first made deals with Saddam.
what’s even worse: “At Manager’s Discretion.”