A House In Virginia

I spend the summer of Sept 10 living in Milan, reading this book.

mass-memory is FAR SHORTER than that.

if you wait around the US to spot trains, you might get killed when one of those oil cars derails and blows up...

that’s MANSON not Jesus!!! eep!

you know, for someone who was OPPOSED TO THE IRAQ WAR, he’s borderline sociopathic in his lack of being able to comprehend where these refugees got their start...

Seriously I’m stunned she’s getting away with calling this BEST LOVED XMAS HIT “terrible”

^that’s pretty damn not smart

this level of ignorance by the mid-90s??
I would be Fbombing every other word too!

DOCTOR Ron Paul legit espoused these views in his “newsletters”

UGH I always want to give a Chicago girl the benefit of the doubt, but DAMN GIRL you make us look STUPID.

most of this is good, but please don’t forget the hot mess on The View last month...

I really don’t like how “has sex with transsexuals” is at all an “OH YEAH” moment when his HIV status was revealed.

gosh her kids must love their nannies.

ummm it’s called BLOCK.

given how Heteronormative the South is in general (lived experience, not just spouting off)... YES I would imagine straight weddings are far more ghastly than elsewhere.

it’s white women in DC we need to worry about LOL
(I mean as a voting bloc).

seeing as Kate Winslet feels it’s “vulgar” for women to complain about Equal Pay... she HARDLY belongs here.

troll vibe off the Ninja. I think he’s just bloviating for chest-thumping reasons?

watch the pottymouth, Hon.

I was pro- this guy early on, despite the fact that he was part of the rabid Ken Starr cabal and then got more famous working for Fox News.