
They need to pick guest stars more wisely - they squandered what could have been an amazing Elizabeth storyline because the actress could only commit to a few episodes before returning to Nurse Jackie. She was great, but they bustled off the character instead of letting Schmidt date her and reject Cece, which would

It's totally a hypocritical behavior "your daughter's a whore but MINE is carrying a blessing from the Lord" but Rhea gave that turnaround a lot of heart and it was nice to see.

The Narrator lives in my county. The day I hear him ordering at our local diner I will LOSE. MY. SHIT.

He is STAGGERINGLY good. I could see him falling right below Schmidt, Captain Holt, Linda Belcher, Ron Swanson, the all-time greats. The character has Andy Dwyer's lovable oafishness and Chris Traeger's smile. I LOVE HIM!!!

I was sitting there, as that blurb came up, thinking the same. Text messages (Not read aloud) on shows annoy me because I have terrible distance vision but for Jane I always skootch up to the TV because they're worth it.

Because his wife was married to Billy, perhaps?

You said it perfectly. It went from a hierarchy where Jerry was defaultedly at the bottom to classic bullying. The Gary to Jerry change was funny, in-character. Maybe the first change after that was funny if it had just lasted a week, a gag that could recur as visitors call Jerry the wrong name (Barry, Larry, etc.) .

Except for that ASININE Jerry name-change shit that is far and away my least favorite part of the entire show.

People wanted to know the triplets' names, probably because the names are rife with joke opportunities, from naming the girl Ann to the boys Eddard and Stannis.

I can't hear the song without changing the lyrics to Ryan. To this day.

As soon as I heard the song I actually screamed out loud. That janitor is one of my favorite Parks moments of ALL TIME, and yet it's so obscure that a callback was entirely unexpected and thrilling. That's like an Arrested Development-worthy callback.

Retirement to Muncie*

I still get excited about seeing him. Now as for Riggle and Huebel….I'm getting almost annoyed when they guest-star. Just give them a show already or stop toying with them. I still like to see Corddry pop up now and again, though.

I really really loved Elizabeth and thought that she could have dated Schmidt while Cece discovered herself, making for MORE of Cece (with reason) and not the fuckup, Schmidt-ruining mess of the "cheating" scandal. They really needed to get Meritt for longer or cast someone with more availability.

I throw this out as a general insult to people who are NOT EVEN librarians.

Y E S….for lady reasons. NEAL <3

I think it's a perfect political name. Vaguely ethnic with a catchy first name. I love it.

For some reason his racialization of Cece makes me guilty-laugh every single time. I…hope that I'm laughing at the racist, not the racism, but yeah.

Any time someone mocks the Amways of the world my heart sings, as someone who has been approached by every single pyramid scheme company to work for them.

WOAH. WELL, sometimes episodes are written like six months out to be approved by the network and evaluated for certain factors (continuity, etc.) but then the actors may change a line during filming to reflect recent cultural happenings (like how Selfie did a still-forsighted Renee Zellweger joke the day after the