
I do feel like it will be an older woman, if Boyle hasn't already mentioned that.

I wonder how this show would have been if it wasn't NYC but a small town like Pawnee. Now THOSE characters would probably, if you made them real, be racist and the show would probably have to be a shitty Chuck Lorre venture.

I'm okay with that because Jake's ridiculous reaction to the joke is one of my favorite moments of the show. It was perfect.

I liked Bobby Newport because he felt satirical to me, a little Dubya. I loathe Jamm. They must really like the actor because the character is awful and very few people like him. The people that do are the select few that will defend how blisteringly awful the Jerry jokes have become. Jamm is the cousin Oliver but

My mom reminds me of Ron and she is an absolute xenophobe. And racist. Libertarians kind of have this weird manifest destiny that absolutely conflicts with their belief system of individual autonomy. They think everyone else is doing it wrong except their version of America in their head.

Well, he says he lives frugally. His ex-wives work and probably don't collect spousal support. Note that Tammy One was going after his money, also - clearly she's not getting anything from him and thought his fortune was enough to go after. Now with a third wife and a child things may change, but a single man with no

Shut up. Stop what you;re doing and go pitch this to Hulu RIGHT NOW.

I fucking DIED. And they didn't even give me time to really get the laugh out before it cut to the credits.

That moment where he hugs Diane after the verdict, he looks like he's aged 50 years. He pulled a Bale and it really suited the character study. Marvelous work.

Wait Matthew's leaving?!?

GOD that was amazing.

Or Eli, maybe? Eli knew Alicia and Diane were calling each other.

Plimpton? Who was always really there for Will but Plimpton was just freaking grand.

For the sake of his wife, I'm not letting myself. We'd have a repeat of Keanu's latest fan encounter.

Can we talk about Justin Baldoni's tailor? Whoever that is deserves a merit of honor from President Obama. #THOSEPANTS

I think my favorite part about her is while she's a beautiful, fit girl, she's not the conventional Yael kind of Maxim creation. A lot of her beauty comes from her gorgeous voice and the energies she gives off, how her eyes light and how her face lights up when she smiles. I think Amy Poehler is a similar actress.

I equated the Paulina appearance to the Cher dream sequence performance on Will and Grace that tells Jack to keep pursuing his acting dream. Is it stunt casting? Yes, but the casting perfectly fits the show's culture and humor (both Jack and Xo repeatedly talk about their idols) and lends forward momentum or

Was is stunt casting though? I didn't even hear about it. I heard about Longoria, because there were articles and the cast really hyped it up on social media. I think it was a surprise like Sandler…

Maybe he doesn't want to dip into that for production funds? Especially when this season of the Comeback has bombed so thoroughly in the ratings?

She used to date someone I know's son and rumor has it that when she got this part, her mother made flyers and posted them on people's cars in her hometown. Which instantly made me a fan of the entire family.