
The Orphan Black twitter had about 60,000 followers before the second season started. It now has 85 and had 81 only a few weeks ago. The show is on the rise, likely thanks to the new billboard campaign (I've had people ask me about it, even) and through tumblr, as it's an excellent show for social justice enthusiasts.

That's the answer to my question - should I try this? If Playing House is doing it better I'll pass, because I love Playing House and I'd compare the two the whole time.

Luckily he has been able to parlay Jack Harkness into convention appearances, at which he can make thousands for a few hours of easy work. I guess it's reputable now - even Matt Smith and Karen Gillan, who are actually trying to be serious actors (or Smith is, anyway), are going to regional cons like the Wondercon in

Agreed,down to my original casting choice - Oded Fehr. Oberyn here was a lovable rogue, maybe most akin to the way Tyrion was shown several times in the early days.

I would have allowed the writers to change everything to happen after in King's Landing for Oberyn to be alive here. While I love Tyrion's escape the rest of the Lannister stories after that bore or upset me so….let's just let Oberyn boink people and drink wine.

You would be thoroughly peeved at how much I have to explain to my mother. "The blonde queen". Is that Cersei or Dany, Mom? (Dany) She thought the baby left for the walkers was Gilly's baby (though of course she didn't know Gilly's name) and she's asked me a million insane questions throughout her viewing experience.

PATTON. He would be amazing on this show as someone investigating the clones for a geeky science forum/blog. Have Alison threaten him.

If Donnie winds up wearing a banana slug t-shirt next week I will actually start hysterically crying. Any, even accidental, Pulp Fiction tribute makes me emotional.

Write the show reviews from now on.

DONT YOU EVEN TEASE (I would be the happiest girl in the world)

Cosima would absolutely be Alex then? With Delphine as Piper? In terms of betrayals it's the other way around but I'm going on hair color.

I just watched him in Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day where he plays someone who was in jail and I'm like "but look at that punim. Who would let him go to jail? How would he SURVIVE jail?". Although I will say I could see him do a serial killer role a la Gosling but he'd need to be made up or aged to not look so much

I agree - I am a Marvel movie fan but I'm not well-versed in the comics so while I think I had heard of "an Ant Man" before I knew nothing about the story. Guardians I had no clue about whatsoever. And I am someone that has really nerdy friends and goes to Comic Con in costume. Both films are risky, but they did cast

What could have happened is that Guardians, Ant Man, and whatever of the more quirky titles they plan to adapt should have been separated by branding. Think "A Much Marvel" production vs. a regular Marvel movie, just a different brand and logo for the opening credits, a different social media page, etc. Marvel would

Don did see both Anna and his brother, so he's been having visions since almost the beginning.

Your brother would probably enjoy the show Alphas then, on Netflix. There's an autistic character whose "superpower" is the ability to see every functioning electromagnetic current…so he's a human wifi hookup. Maybe he'd find some enjoyment in a relatable character. Personally, Gary is one of my favorite television

I've seen your last point proved and disproved. My white mom grew up in Italian Newark during the race riots, so think the Northern hotbed of racism. She has very prejudiced views of almost every type of culture. But as she began to work with a gay man that she wound up adoring, suddenly she's not saying that gay

I don't think that's a staple of MODERN feminism. Men attacking women's "girlish" interests is misogyny, and women who do this to other women are expressing internalized misogyny. As a fourth wave feminist myself, I believe that a woman could be a homemaker or the President and as long as she uses that position to

I watch a LOT of television and if I can recall an accent from an episode I last watched like 1-2 years ago…it's bad. It just sounded like a very poorly-disguised British voice and nothing like Nixon. That should have been ADR'ed in post.

I had to explain to my mom that Stannis isn't really a religious extremist as much as he's seen some of Mel's predictions come true or her spells and tricks work and so he goes along with it. Yet some people think he's on Show!Selyse's level.