
Arya is easier to digest, probably - a girl who rejects girlish things and tries to be one of the boys. Note that the "masculine" woman are the ones celebrated - Arya and Brienne's looks and skill in a man's trade of swordfighting, Dany's aggressive leadership, Olenna's bawdy humor. Margaery has been sainted but I

Well she is a classic lady of the age - trained in the arts and finery of handcraft.

Or if they had made "Robin" less Joffrey-esque and instead had him be the puppy-dog type of child so he and Sansa could have built the castle together with her verbally explaining some of its features. She could have described the features to Littlefinger too.

Would NOT be surprised if the show ditched the concept of Alayne because those in charge would fear people not recognizing Sansa with brown hair. Actually, her hair looked redder than ever this week, but maybe that was just the coloring of the snow scenes. Or if they thought the audience would never catch on to the

I agree. I was thinking last night that "they never give Sansa the time she deserves". While they couldn't have done the narrative imagery justice, the Robin scene was just odd and that time could have been used for Marillion. I don't know why the howmaes some of these changes - many of them just do nothing for the

If an accent distracts me then I get obviously somewhat removed from the programming. Recent examples that I recall are Doctor Who's Richard Nixon, Billie Piper in this role, and Keira Knightley in Laggies (not bad, she just chose a very specifically nasal tone and it took me like an hour to get used to it…out of a

Have you read the original novel? Curious. The show had a very strong subversion of the original plot with Proteus and I loved it, because I am very emotionally attaché to that character. About as much as tumblr is attached to Marvel's Loki. Now the show is going towards the original "fatherly rejection" storyline,

It. Is. INSANE. I have met Irish women and spoken to them and they have what you'd say is a lilt, not a squawk. That was an Irish squawk. Now maybe they're both from areas where the typical accent has that musical tone but this was like if you sent Daphne Moon's Mancunian accent to Mars. Just madness.

Is NOBODY going to mention that batshit crazy accent? It was next-level bonkers and half of it didn't even sound Irish to me. It sounded like Martin Freeman in Fargo mixed with Daphne's unintelligible brother played by Robbie Coltrane on Frasier.

I got to see this episode last week and I've been sitting on this heartache for a week. What a magnificent portrayal. As a fan of Shelley's Frankenstein, the childlike wonder seized me every second the screen. When The Creature in the novels watches his little family he finds in the books, I cried, so imagine me

I think this is why I grew up "cultured" - my childhood was full of shows like Sesame Street, Clarissa, Hey Arnold, Rugrats, etc. that did everything from the classic Mystery Theater Sherlock serials (Sesame Street) to Arnold's grandfather talking about Hedy Lamarr and Steely Dan. Sesame Street still does this - there

As Told by Ginger had this as well. I wish one of these 90's nostalgia shows like Surviving Jack had the thought to show people outside watching some little twerp in Zubaz climb through the window and yelling at them.

She has a very…Midwest kind of personality now. The way she dresses as well as her kids and their names and the values she discusses now. It's all very Kansas, I guess she wanted some normalcy after the child star days that led into some partying for her.

Penn played a character - I had the computer game, which I ADORED, and he was the "host" of a series of games in a secret realm.

Ned's Declassified was amazing and full of super odd characters - Claire Sawyer, Future Lawyer is literally something the Office did with Bob Vance, Vance Refrigeration. You have a geeky black kid named COOKIE. That show ruled.

Oh I never tried to go in and change him (that's not my style) I just do weed out men who I don't feel are thoroughly compatible to not waste time. And that to me was something I really considered - the biking and the hippie lifestyle he lived had some appeal because it balanced out my Jersey, more neurotic?

The show should have been a webseries, and almost True Detective in nature. Every season would be a different bar or venue - maybe one year it's a karaoke bar, and one year it's a coffee shop. That way you don't run out of people or plotlines. And it would have had to be insanely, sharply funny, with noted comedy

I just prefer cars to bikes and houses to apartments. I'm a more "permanent" person in that way. I like the stability of a car and the stability of my own house. I would want someone who shares that permanence - and I like to weed people out until I find a very compatible person to be with. I also very much plan for

It's just not my thing. As Kanye West once said, "man, at least a dude with a car." I don't want to marry someone who couldn't drive the kids to a doctor's appointment out of town.

Not really. When you have a grown-up life you sometimes need a car - groceries, buying furniture, traveling to the in-laws, driving your kids to school. If you live in a city with 24/7 public transport it's one thing but eventually when you're thirty and can afford your own apartment sans roommate and travel regularly