
I hope that's not where Handler is headed…

The bird autopsy is better. I found this episode lacking, but it might be one of only 2 this season to make me feel that way.

I think it's smarter than your "solid ratings show" and also taps into a niche with its casting of Whitford (respected and now niche comedy actor), Michaela Watkins (respected and niche comedy actress), and Marcia Gay Harden (respected dramatic actress now trying comedy). Malin had some "big" movie chances like that

I forget that this show is on the same network as Suburgatory too - lots of "family" shows. They could do a two-hour block of Suburgatory, MF, TW, and The Goldbergs.

Sell me on The Neighbors - I've heard NOTHING.

I think they're going to cast Bianca off in fourth place as a shocker to bring her back for All Stars. Look at how many deserving queens they cast off and bring back for Untucked - ones that have massive followings like Raven, Manila, Juju, Alaska, Willam, Alyssa. I think it's intentional when you consider that the

My beloved Rue would be the happiest little critter guesting on this show.

If Miranda Hart can be a guest judge I will MOVE TO LONDON and become an unpaid intern.

It's also REALLY smart - I can see Bianca being the next Ru with reality shows and high visibility and all of that. She's spinning herself on the show as funny, fashionable, yet nurturing and supportive with a little catty, which is everything the average straight American wants a gay person to be. She sells herself

It's INSANELY insulting too to act like your life has been this rough when Trinity is struggling with a life-threatening disease and Ben lost his mom. Joslyn also experienced loss, and who knows what the other queens there have been through. But by far, her life is not the worst there.

I think it's because you can make expensive look cheap or cheap look expensive. Darienne's outfits are usually quite simple (the green glittery top and skirt) but she looks quite polished and that makes her not look cheap. Her wigs and makeup are always very refined. Michelle notices that and even told her to spice it


I think it's really something every RPDR queen needs to do. THAT'S their element, for many - performance. The challenges show off wittiness and fashion, but how can you rate a queen without seeing them on stage? It's necessary and I think Ru regards that part highly in her choice.

Bianca is my Eartha Kitt Mother Goddess Jr. right now. I LIVE for her.

I think it's also that deep, intense twin connection. Them as twins makes the story a hundred percent richer to me.

And that's a bummer because what an easy way to make a new character stand out, you know?

The PC term is "person/man/woman/actor of color". Making someone "of color" gives them a bit of agency over the term; "colored" sounds like an affliction or something put upon someone. It's just like how the correct term is "transgender" not "transgendered."

When I see Kroll Show and Key and Peele there's no excuse. Granted, those use mostly digital content but there has to be a way to incorporate better ideas into a live format.

REALLY? Her Jacob is one of my favorite recurring guests in the last few years.

This season I've seen a few "online-only" cut sketches. I think it's timing? One of the cut sketches, from the Gaga episode, had female pirates and I quote it all the time.