
What stands out is that I can't see Jost ever hosting a late-night show. Jimmy and Seth already are and Tina and Amy could very very easily host their own, as their hosting gigs are acclaimed. Jost and Strong don't have that "it" - I'd argue that Seth doesn't either but is likable enough. Jost doesn't even have enough

I don't think McKinnon is one-note: I think they've seen that she does well in those roles and only gave that type to her. Look at her Ellen - so good Ellen brought her on the show to do it. Her Bieber was ballistically good. I remember her first few weeks and I was stunned at how great she was. Angela Merkel is

See, it's been stuck in my head since Saturday so I have to disagree. I know a lot of women who loved it. I like that some of the new digital content is made for women, as it used to be solely Lonely Island and more male-oriented.

Wow, your rock has excellent wifi.

Maybe he'll host. Or Ian. Or BOTH. Holy shit, that would be the best goddamn thing.

I love Nasim and all of these characters, plus Heshi the motivational speaker. Rahat wasn't my favorite but I'm glad that they have an actress there who can do Middle Eastern characters.

I'm so glad Pharoah has time. He has a mile-wide berth of celebrities to work with (and does well) and will give you a good line read for even a small part. Something about, say, Milhiser, doesn't give me a lot of hope that these dudes have standout skills.

SNL has really sold him as Himself - he was himself as a correspondent and has done some other work as Brooks Whelan. I wonder if they have a lot of faith in this guy or are trying to build his profile so he has a softer landing when they can him in June. He completely reflects the issue of SNL having 20 white guys

Nasim is filming Mulaney and I think if it takes off she might be leaving SNL. Nasim would have been a fine pick for the desk, maybe with Cecily.

I like Strong, but not for the desk. Her "girl at the party" character could have been a real classic and they just threw it away.

I think Cecily really respects and admires Amy (who wouldn't) just from how I've seen her discuss Amy and even in the kind of characters she's done. I think going for Amy's kookiness would add some dimension to her repertoire.

Mooney needs to be involved in Weekend Update. I think he as an anchor would have been incredibly weird and delightful. Mooney and Bayer might have been cute, or Mooney and Sasheer. Instead, while I think Jost is cute, this is half-baked Seth. It's a shame they put Cecily on the desk when her talents lie in character

I thought it was more ambiguous - while I don't think the show was encouraging people to drop out of college, I think that the fact that you have all of these technology innovators who dropped out says a lot about the value of college. And while I wouldn't tell kids to drop out, I do think that the modern college

I reaaaally liked the anti-college argument in this episode, mostly because I'm 23, working two jobs outside of my field, and college was a very traumatic experience for me.

I'm a big old feminist and one of my big issues with television is minority representation but I didn't mind this show at all. I think it has the chance to include men of color in positive ways, like Dinesh, and subvert a lot of Asian stereotypes through other characters. Showing Asian characters without horribly-done

I downvoted this.

I watch all of these shows plus The Good Wife and ABC's Resurrection, which I chose over Believe as my show to give a season trial to. Sunday is by far my busiest television night.

Yeah, I went to a school very well known for engineering and most of the kids that were in that field weren't wearing Superman t-shirts and going to Comic Con. They were either very fratty dudes who picked an opportune career path or your standard, shut-in types that lived and breathed code. The people I know who

I feel like they can't do Tyrion until the end. I think the second-to-last episode will end with Tyrion's escape and some Castle Black stuff will happen. The last episode will probably feature Dany as they love to give her time, will have a soft ending with Petyr and Lysa and then as a tag have the Stoneheart scene.

This might also be of use come awards season, where I could see her much more easily devouring the competition for guest star.