
All the show needed was for a few less scenes of Nick and Jess saying "I like you" in the first five episodes and a few more scenes of Jess and Cece, and then Cece plots of her dating people. The show underuses Cece when she's right there. I still think she and Winston should have become friends this season - Jess is

Happy Endings is a great show, and a wonderful vehicle for Damon, who has an excellent character on that show and a true chance to shine. Once you check it out, you'll probably hate this role even more, because it pales in comparison to HE.

Perry is pandering to less educated, more conservative, or older groups of black people with his shows. They reach a certain audience who is happy to see people like themselves on television, and they accept a lot of the stereotypes as inside jokes. However, white people watching these shows see it as a minstrel show,

John Cho has an interesting role on Sleepy Hollow - he's a villain's henchman. He's sort of an Igor so there's not a lot of backstory, but there are no jokes at his expense or at his race's expense and he has a moral struggle to contend with,

Also, Idina Menzel's character could have been Jewish as well.

Where does the last name come from though, Peralta? I thought they were painting him as Italian somehow.Certainly not a Jewish name.

I thought she was Italian. It's rare to have an Italian that isn't a comical Godfather retread, but just someone whose last name happens to be Petrello and calls their mom "Ma". Joey Tribbiani is actually a refreshing take on Italians compared to some recent characters I've seen.

Excellent examples. I enjoyed both - and essentially every person my age that I know can tell you who loves orange soda, regardless of their race.

I guess so, which is sad, because those shows haven't had the impact that the main-network shows have. I also don't know anyone who watches those, black or not. My black friends are pretty cultured and very analytical of the media they consume, so I imagine they'd find these shows appeal to a lower denominator of

Did not know this. Interesting. And these shows are still regarded as excellent depictions of race. (Fresh Prince especially - two successful parents who openly participated in the civil rights era and were friends with a black power fugitive.

I have a pretty racist parent (who still enjoyed the black 90's comedies for the right reasons, not just to mock) and I've always wondered how I grew up into someone who has a ton of friends of color and who is very vocal about racial rights and representation and I honestly think that it's because I grew up with

We actually had more shows with black leads in the 70's, 80's, and 90's than we do now - both of Bill Cosby's eponymous Cosby shows, Different Strokes, Family Matters, Fresh Prince, A Different World, the ones you mentioned.
Most of the shows from the 80's and 90's were on NBC, which is interesting to note - Fresh

I saw that apparently Lili Taylor (on Almost Human) went out for a male role that they changed to a female role. Lisa Turtle on Saved by the Bell was supposed to be a white Jewish girl and when Lark Voorhees auditioned, they also changed the role. It does happen for minorities. John Cho's character on Sleepy Hollow is

Jessica did Abduction, apparently, but I haven't listened to it and don't know how she "ruined" it.

This season IS very romance-centric. Jess and Nick, Schmidt and Elizabeth and Cece, Coach and Cece, Winston and Bertle. It's one thing if you're bringing outside people in for one character and the others have their own plots, but now you've paired up two of the original 5 (Nick/Jess) and the new loftmate with an

The A.V. Club
"But I couldn't find it anymore."

I used to work in Irvington. It's one of the whiter towns I've seen. Now Tarrytown, I'm not so sure of, but I like that they picked this pretty white area and made it more diverse.

I forgot Missi was even in the episode until now! What was THAT. You give Missi Pyle a featured guest role on a show, damnit.

It could have been done much better if Mindy made an accidental comment to Tamra, and Tamra reacted in some way. Mindy and Tamra had some good exposition in this episode, and Ray-Ron is always welcome.

The show is clearly treating Cece as the more wronged party, though. Schmidt only left a letter at Cece's and has only talked about Cece since, which I get given the scope of the show, but we could have seen him leave a letter at Elizabeth's house. He could have also said "Cece, I was dating you and Elizabeth at the