
A blissful little moment. Why have we pushed Ed Weeks to the background?

We have Rutt's Hut here.

I get that JESS would be annoyed, but I still don't think Schmidt cheated on Cece. They keep using that word. Once he lied to each about choosing them, then I get their anger. But he was dating both. Something about all of the shit he's getting feels so wrong to me, because no one's like "man, you lied" but "you

Terry Crews is doing amazing work with this show. I LOVE that he was given this wacky, dimensional role (crushing shit with his bare hands but then also a Farmer's Market enthusiast) because normally he has the scary Holt role. They did the right thing by him and he's acing the whole show.

If you watch Archer, she's VERY much the Cheryl/Carol of the bunch. Carol/Cheryl literally changes her name on the show repeatedly to reflect her mood, she's rich and it's not revealed for a while, she has a choking fetish. Like she's very beyond the extremes of the others and it really works. I like Gina, and when

Her explanation was a straight-up Monk scene. Or a Psych scene. It felt really at home in a cop comedy, and it still surprised me.

When I saw Patton Oswalt's stout little body walk into the scene I actually did a straight-up 3rd grader yearbook photo pose. I love that little dude so much.

I completely agree. Coach needs a more established personality, and one that isn't collected pieces of the other loftmates. I'm also bummed that Schmidt isn't as…Schmidtty anymore. The only moment that I think had the same magic for me as other seasons this year was him singing the Shema in The Box, which murdered me

OH MAN, what a great analogy. Artemis is so underrated. She's made several episodes for me.

AH, right. Maybe he knew what Moloch was after somehow? I don't know. Maybe he'll have sold his soul for Abbie?
But I always thought he was seized and corrupted because of his status as a coworker of Abbie's, not a willing participant who saw things get out of hand.

I would just like to see Damon in a better part. Maybe I'm just comparing Coach to Brad, who had this (from the beginning) very unique, whole character with more interesting relationships to play off of. (wife, sister in law, etc.) But I think Damon isn't used to the best of his ability in this role. I'll give the

I don't think him being an opposite of the loftmates is a desired result, but each member of the loft is VERY different. Nick, Jess, Schmidt, and Winston are all very different people with very different personalities. Coach is already showing noticeable shades of Winston's life-reevaluating (especially because

Tumblr LOVES this show. They love Abbie, her relationship with Jenny, shipping Ichabod and Abbie. Tumblr is eating it up, and for good reason. it satisfies very understandable requests for racial representation and doesn't really applaud itself for it (Beharie talks about it in interviews though, as she should).

I think maybe she caught his eye (and many eyes of the day) so he decided to like…buy her from her family. He must have thought she'd be thrilled to be promoted to so luxurious a life with such a tempting prospect for a husband. As a woman of the time, she was expected to get married and have children, and when such a

And it wasn't an option, but Moloch just took him over.

I thought he was summoned in the first episode, when he goes back to his apartment. I had thought that's when Moloch approached him.

The role might have been written for a white guy, and then John Cho was game and they just made him an Asian character. Which is awesome, because that doesn't happen very much.

That's true. But I LOVED FlashForward. I really did. You had a double agent named Janis. Like come ON.

I agree with your points. He does feel plunked in - I guess because he's now a…recurring? If he's here for another 10-14 episodes he's at least a recurring if not a regular for this season. The plunking would sadly work more if they were trying to cram all of this development and personality in so they can move him

The New Girl social media team did some kind of Furguson game/something about his escape from the loft and they spelled it Furguson. So it's canon.