House Baggins

The Joffrey Baratheon of Presidents.

People that put an end to slavery usually aren't villains.

Oberyn dying, Tywin dying, Lysa dying, Balon dying, Stannis dying, Jon dying, Tommen dying (Along with the rest of King's Landings noble class)…. all pretty unforeseen if you ask me. It's still fantasy, there needs to be heroes.

Watched Get Out last night, guess I missed the good part.

Aw jeez, I forgot which site I was on. I'm so sorry snowflake, I'm sure there's a safe space around here somewhere…

Not the Punisher I was hoping for.

Yes, that is a correct assessment of the situation. Nicely done.

The casino connection is pretty clear, I don't know what else to tell you. The show did not overtly tell us the reasoning so viewers must come up with a logical explanation that is supported by evidence on screen. I feel like I've done that. Based on this thread, you are the outlier.

It's hard to believe they only gave Glover one scene, he was mesmerizing.

That's certainly possible but, based on his reaction to the reveal in the finale, he did know the name Odin or was at least aware of the concept of Odin. Maybe the point was to show just how forgotten the name Odin was (he did list off a lot of other aliases) and that people needed to be reminded of his name and power

The New Gods put on a PowerPoint presentation with his name all over it.

I think they've already announced it will be split into three seasons. I'll undoubtedly be back for the next two, I just wish I had more information going into them. I only referenced the Walking Dead because they practically did the same thing, talk about a war all season and then never deliver on it.

It's not a stretch at all. His image and name were plastered all over a place she visited almost every day. Go back and watch the scenes, they clearly focus on his likeness to make the connection. Since she didn't believe in anything else, Anubis was the clear default to judge her in the afterlife.

While the show is undoubtedly well made, this finale left a lot to be desired. They went the way of The Walking Dead when they should've gone the way of Westworld. Make a complete season before worrying about a second, or 7th. Odin's "reveal" was embarrassingly over done, I've known who he was since the first scene of

The prospect of all these characters finally being in the same place at the same time next episode is pretty exciting, but it's taken far too long. Half of the credited cast appears in 3 episodes or less.

How does Shadow not know who Wednesday is when they had his name prominently printed on missiles last week? Why did all the outdoor shots look so fake? They couldn't go outside?

But if she believes it happened then it doesn't really matter, shes made incredible personal progress. Nora could have died when she opened her mouth in the event chamber and what we were seeing was her version of the Hotel. The world seemed a little off, no? Everyone kept saying the world would end and maybe it did,

Really? That's where they lost you? You believed everything else up until that point? You unfortunately missed the point of the entire show if that was your first thought after this episode.

Never read the book but I think it's headed in that direction.

Last episode they were on the light pole outside Laura's house and they were flying above the car right before the crash.