House Baggins

Like I said from the beginning, there's no point. Enjoy your misery.

You just said it multiple times. WE DON'T KNOW. NOBODY KNOWS. There are no right answers to your questions because no one has done scientific studies about the flight times of dragons or ravens IN A FANTASY WORLD. Sorry there wasn't a "24" style clock ticking down the seconds to make it clearer for you. It took as

There's no point, your mind was made up before you even watched the episode.

There you go guys, just surround yourselves with people that already think exactly the same way so everyone can just agree on everything. Should be great.

Ah, there it is. If it's not blatantly spelled out in black and white then its confusing.

The amount of misconception here is alarming. I'm sorry you can't comprehend the story as its portrayed, maybe its not for you.

What show were you watching? All those that needed it, had it.

Watched two episodes before deciding my time would be better spent re-watching Breaking Bad. I have no regrets.

It's called a "closed course".

Midas whale.

Technically yes but it's a stretch to classify her as "Westerosi".

Thanks for the response, glad I could help!

Yeah Tarly did mention that Cersei was at least born in Westeros. I guess it just highlights his personal conflict and the vast amount of grey area in the current war.

Pretty sure the best course of action would be to have Dany fly over the wall and scoop up a few wights with Drogon's claws.

Yeah he was the only commander to defeat Robert. Very good point, kinda puts his logic in question.

Ned Stark was very much alive when Sansa wrote that letter. He had just been taken captive by Cersei in the throne room and was sitting in a black cell. Robb only marched south because he thought he could rescue his father.

Sorry, but you're wrong, Mirri Maz never mentions infertility she only answers Dany's question "when will he be as he was?".

Nope. It shows Bronn look at a white horse, the horse that saved Jaime. Also you can see him floating in the water?

In the books, yes.

Only they're not siblings, they are aunt/nephew.