House Baggins


So we've had Jeff Bridges, Hugo Weaving, Tom Hiddleston, Robert Redford, Mickey Rourke, Guy Pearce, Christopher Eccleston, Josh Brolin, Corey Stoll, Mads Mikkelsen, Vincent D'onorfio, Ian Mckellan, and Oscar Isaac as villains in the MCU/X-Men Universe. Somehow Aubrey Plaza is besting them all, just an incredible

I really thought they would make his character gay to hit the demographic grand slam with their Netflix shows. Missed opportunity.

Frank's done that dance before, it's usually associated with "Go for it, Go for it, Go for it, Go for it".

Wait, a woman said fuck? Hilarious!

Hey fair enough, for me it's only gotten better the farther I've gone. Aloy and the game world are both excellent, which is good enough for me. One thing I did do was up the difficulty at about the 5 hour mark once I noticed I wasn't dying or even really getting threatened by anything other than a high ledge. Maybe

What doesn't work?

It's the best game I've ever played. If it was called Zelda: Zero Dawn it would be the highest rated game on Metacritic.

No worries, the stand will destroy it for you.

You officially missed the reference. Better luck next time.

They have an ongoing Netflix show called The Ranch. Good awareness.

We all live inside the eye of a blue-eyed giant named Mukumbo.

Careful now, details and facts aren't welcome here.

Wonder who she stole this set from.

Do yourself a favor and fast forward through the first 30 minutes. Some of the most boilerplate, cliched exposition scenes ever put to film. A lot of people can't handle Vince Vaughn in a dramatic role, but to me he saved the movie. His introduction to "Ghoul" is a turning point.

They asked "Humanity" for help. Pretty sure Adams would be dead.

She presented the award, and then did nothing. Now she's a hero because one person perceived this a some sort of statement and other people latched on. She could've, I don't know, made an actual statement. No she didn't do more than me, I've moved my arms several times today.

As great as he is, Goldblum can only do so much.

Boss move of presenting an award and then moving aside? Whoa! Groundbreaking!

But Independence Day 2 was too outlandish…