House Baggins

You make a real good point. Lyanna Mormont is a noble lady of the north, it almost went without saying that she would be back yet she gets the secrecy and an almost forgotten (yet could potentially be crucial) character gets his name blasted on the front page. AV club is about 4 weeks late on this news so i'm not

But why would a storage area need escalators and decorative globes? I'm trying to suggest that it was a failed version of the park like the remnants of Jurassic Park in Jurassic World. Right before they go down the head of security said "they all rebel eventually".

Livestock storage on sublevel 83 (shown in the premiere) looks awfully similar in basic layout to the shiny new lobby shown in this episode.

It wasn't, I just really found her abrasive and would like to avoid watching the show if I can get away with it.

Don't know if I can handle that much indifferent bitchiness.

Do I need to watch Jessica Jones first?

I'm currently re-watching on Blu-Ray and had to come back and say this is one of the best television episodes I have ever seen. I've never watched life-threatening tension and pure comedy so perfectly intertwined on screen. Offerman is incredible.

Good 1951 TV reference, I'm sure that landed well.

He had some good moments early on but making him boss was a huge misstep. He's just not a likable or sympathetic character and he was supposed to be replacing one of most likable characters ever.

It's hard to even think of another contender for that title.

Couldn't help but think of the Office when Robert California resigned to start a similar program with displaced European gymnasts.

What a fucking weird review. The penis imagery seems like a you-problem. I think Jonah Hill dealt with something similar in Superbad.

Can anyone explain how this show went from dropping hard F-bombs in the premiere to TV-14? All of the swear dropouts are starting to get a little annoying.

Therman Merman.

Yukon Cornelius.

The Jersey Shore is a magical place.

I'd really like to hear how the conversation between co-workers went at the gym.
"Hey can I pop in with your client for a minute?"
"Yeah what for?"
"Just to crush his solar plexus and intimidate him out of investigating the incredibly suspicious murder of my step daughter"
"All yours, seems normal"

185 Awards are meaningless as well right?

Since mediocre soundtracks and composers get national tours all the time…

Watching that female DA attempt to act through her numerous plastic surgeries is incredibly uncomfortable. She can't even speak, how is she an actress?