
Here's what I don't understand: Curtis & Felicity are friends. Why didn't she just have him steal the damn technology-whatever from Palmer Tech instead of breaking in?? This legitimately bugged me the whole episode.

That happened to me too. :( I feel so awful for them.

Okay now I am *really* dying to know! :P But you're right, some people probably wouldn't want to be spoiled (possibly even the recapper), so I will just have to wait!

Oh how strange! It sounds like you may have seen the 3rd episode, or maybe an even later one. What happened with Jody and Mindy? (now I'm curious)

I enjoy Lucifer a lot. It's silly but the performances make it for me, and it is very creative.

I was hoping for more discussion of Lori Petty in the recap… She was really outstanding in this episode!