Hououin Kyouma

It’s a three year old game and your Western bias is showing. 

The Oscars are fucking stupid and everyone should agree to stop caring about them.

How many of these vehicles have guns do you think? 50%?

And apparently a very small minority of people think it’s ok to drive across the country and obstruct the lives of people in another city because they are inconvenienced by getting a vaccine.

Hopefully, it will. Pour encourager les autres.

I’m sure they’ll work out that they are part of one, and start surrendering, when the military starts shooting them as combatants.

Declare it an armed insurrection, respond accordingly.

Just give us a Hondo Ohnaka Star Wars spinoff, Disney. Everyone loves Hondo. 

Let me explain the whole Boba Fett and Cad Bane back story. You said how they’ve only ever been on screen twice together and also mentioned the deleted scene from The Clone Wars animated series. There is far more to it. Cad Bane was a sort of mentor to Boba when Boba was a child shortly after Jango Fett died in the

So people should only roleplay in settings that match their culture and characters of their own race. Got it. Cool, cool, cool, excellent.

Ah yes, the semi-annual hyperventilating article about how a group of real-life friends who started streaming their hobby should replace half of their friend group with random people to meet a diversity quota, and how white people are forbidden from exploring anything except “Generic European” cultures even when they

That’s the Kobiyashi Maru of this.  Do it like they did?  Problematic as laid out.  Do it like you said?  Appropriation.  Don’t do it at all?  Erasure.  There is no winning move here.

Or all of you could try what I did, and just not give a shit about what titles are used and just see if I enjoy the show.

I feel like that’s a dig at Boba Fett.

Bitchin Rides is here but Fast N Loud isn’t? What a fucking joke.

Counterpoint: Wayne is just Wayne on tv, a normal guy. Every other show has to have some sort of edgy cool spiky hair, leather-wearing soul-patched shitbird screaming at the camera and pulling “pranks”. 

I used to like to read Doug Demuro.  Once he switched to video, I didn’t bother.

Never liked Top Gear, old or new.

Diesel Brothers!

They’re not protesters, they’re a hostile occupying force who’ve repeatedly said they have no intention of leaving. The assholes in Ottawa have repeatedly broken local laws, desecrated monuments, harassed & intimidated people and assaulted employees at businesses that tell them to get out. The assholes in Alberta are