Hououin Kyouma

I wonder how much Sony paid for Kotaku to be positive about the game instead of just seething and bitching about the sexualization.

He’s right, though.

This hasn’t been cancelled yet?

Still mad they cancelled The Peripheral.

Jesus Christ, can none of you idiots detect sarcasm anymore?

But the clicks! Won’t someone please think of the clicks?!


Players getting fucked harder than the girls do, how immersive.

Yeah, good luck finding a vendor with more than 5k credits.

You really think the collective internet is smart enough to remember the last Bethesda game?

prid player
setav carryweight 200000

No, not really.

Star Citizen continues to be a scam.

I’ve noticed Kotaku is mostly filled with negative articles

If 16 episodes in a year can give you Star Wars “fatigue” you aren’t a real Star Wars fan.

This post was written by an AI.

Are you a fucking moron?

I literally laughed out loud, actually.

They really should have stuck to Japanese studios, volume two just sucked in comparison to the first.