Hououin Kyouma

Bad Boys For Life was fun, actually. Can’t wait for this one!

This hasn’t been cancelled yet?

Actively rooting for Ed to die now because of what an asshole he’s turned into, honestly.

How the fuck is this asshole not in the greys?

That would certainly explain why the movie was so poorly written. Only a cokehead would think adding time travel to an Indiana Jones movie is a good idea.

Mangold is a hack and shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near Star Wars.

practical action effects”

Still mad they cancelled The Peripheral.

Jesus Christ, can none of you idiots detect sarcasm anymore?

Gilroy is a xenophobic human supremacist and should never be allowed to be in charge of Star Wars.

Beloved? Mappa has always been overrated.

But the clicks! Won’t someone please think of the clicks?!


despite audiences always saying that want more original stories and not as many sequels and franchises, very few people showed up. 

We already had a Terminator anime, it was called Bubblegum Crisis.

Wow, great way to inspire confidence in your ability to make a great show...

Players getting fucked harder than the girls do, how immersive.

She dared to point out that hamas is a terrorist organization, apparently.

Bold of you to assume I want to watch any of these.