Hououin Kyouma

I liked the part where being against pedophilia somehow makes you the villain.

Really hard to care about a nonexistent movie when we have Strange New Worlds s2 premiering later this week.

1,995 reasons why Kotaku needs some proofreaders.

You also think Temple of Doom is good so your opinion of this movie is suspect.

That doesn’t explain why the last few games have been hits despite still having the same stale repetitive gameplay.

Seems like it.

Where did it all go? Up the execs’ noses?

The game never once actively asks for your money.

The woke mind virus, probably.

Blade Runner: Black Lotus was awful so they’re probably doing us a favour by not releasing it.

No, just edgy and annoying.

Shut up, it’s 90s kids turn to have a cgi-schlockfest.

Dragon Age: Absolution was a cartoon, not an anime.


Fortunately, Loverslab exists for times when Bethesda is too scared to go there.

But, more frequently, they talk about them in terms of “waifu,” the manga-devotee shorthand for “attractive, vaguely Asian woman.”

None besides yourself, you mean.

Wholesome? Did you mean whoresome?

Seriously dude, go outside.