Barbara is a free character you don’t need to roll for, great job making yourself look like an idiot.
Weebs are playing in Japanese where her voice wasn’t changed, don’t blame us for this.
One more reason not to give EA money.
Either that or a loon who thinks that all shitposters are automatically alt-righters.
Okay, boomer.
Except one of your images is clearly mocking qanon and the morons that follow it?
11 years later...
Where’s that? 4chan?
Geovishap Hatchlings are annoying enough to fight, I’m not looking forward to fighting the big fuckers.
Hopefully it actually gets made this time.
I say we need to host a new pog championship to replace this dipshit.
Just remove chat completely. Problem solved.
Mostly because it was garbage and barely about the racing.
Can we stop with the shitposts?
They’re just excited because someone put a meme in the game.
Still preferable to Donal Trump.
Bets on how long until it’s DMCA’d?
Oh, great. Now Crunchyroll will be just as prudish as Funimation is.