
Fuck, this comment section is Deadspin at its absolute worst. Fuck everyone here who thinks Mixon was in the right, or that his reaction was understandable.

Oh shut the fuck up, asshole.

How is it not? She’s called on Cho to basically pick her Asian brains on diversity and racism. That’s intellectual labor and it’s a kind that people of color do for white people all of the time. I have had so many white friends come to me with these exact kind of questions, but at least they were friends. I can only

Except Tilda does a weird, insensible thing when she says, “I’m a Scottish woman of 55 who lives in the Highlands. There’s precious little projected on contemporary cinema screens that means a great deal to my life, if truth be told.”

nope. Tidla’s emails were typical IM A NICE WHITE PERSON GIVE ME COOKIES, she literally checked off the bingo list. Maybe she shouldn’t have blasted her publicly, but I don’t blame her, mostly because like her in Trumps America I don’t really care about white peoples feelings anymore

It’s safe to say this town has a racist name, but Mr Clements looks like he could have founded it:

Trump is not an outsider; power brokers are not scared to death. Any comment operating under this false pretense is outright.

I think Putin knew he didn’t have to actually “rig” the election. He bet on the stupidity and the apathy of the American people, which is a safe fucking bet.

Hillary Clinton literally brought up Russia hacking the DNC during a debate where she and Donald were on the same stage. Now he’s trying to say that no one said anything until after he won?

But no white people died so it wasn’t terrorism.

They’re southern racists, the kind that don’t want to live next door to black people and freak out when their little Becky brings a black boyfriend home. They’re not the I-want-black-people-dead, nazi-type; the nazis seem to be concentrated in the North & Midwest.

Based on the charges, it seems like he’s being charged with hate crimes based on the victims’ religion, when he killed them because of their race, not their religion. It may not seem like it makes a difference, but it really does, especially since Faux News and similar entities attempted to push this as a crime

The main take away: 9 black people have to die at a time, that’s apparently the minimum number.

I still don’t want him to get the death penalty. I don’t think him being killed makes anything better.

now we know what it takes to convict the mass slaughter of blacks. just a confession, eyewitness accounts, and plenty of cctv footage of the crime. duly noted!

You see, when women fight, it’s stupid, petty drama that’s deserving of the reductive term “cat fight.” When men fight, it’s all about creative differences. Like Alec Baldwin’s tantrum over his beard on the set of The Edge or Jared Leto’s contrived antics on the set of the Suicide Squad.

For how much I have enjoyed the Obama Presidency and Democrats, this is one their biggest failures. Despite Republicans being a partial cause due to Iraq, the DNC fear of backlash against taking substantive action in Syria also helped make this the clusterfuck it is. We all get some blame for not speaking out against

Spoken like someone who has never feared for their life.

But...but...how else will we know we live in America?

Can we just stop the anthem at sporting events? I mean maybe championship games or something but come on. It’s so stupid. Plus I would love to see the outpouring of vitriol from people who truly do base their lives on the anthem, and hold it sacrosanct.