
Prepare for someone to earnestly explain how this is all her fault with bonus Bernie would have won guarantees.

I dunno guys I’m just thankful we didn’t end up with that AWFUL woman with her EXTREMELY conflict-filled AAA-rated life-saving CHARITY as president though, right?

At this point, I honestly don’t even know what to say- there’s just no words to express the absolute insanity of what we are witnessing. There isn’t a single touchpoint I can reference to provide parallel or precedence. Can’t yell “1984" or “It Can’t Happen Here”, because even those seem to be set in some sort of

correct. a ridiculous misunderstanding between your concept of consent and reality.

What a loser.

Fuck him.

I cannot imagine what moronic thoughts were going through the lone holdout’s mind. I have to imagine it was something along the lines of “but he says he was afraid so I just can’t second guess a cop!”

God fucking dammit. Shoot us in the back, on camera, with evidence of an attempt at a lie about what was happening when the shooting took place. It’s open season, apparently. Cops have that right now. It’s established. Fuck.

A national disgrace. Even fucking “Morning” Joe Scarborough couldn’t understand the lone juror when it was all captured on video. When Morning Joe man knows better than you, you’ve sunk pretty low.

Enjoy the (relatively) good vibes you are receiving now, Jill. On January 21, 2017 you will return to being a shitty footnote to this shitty election.

This kind of action is what it’s going to take if we want to push against power and a cause a crisis of leadership.

On the one hand, I do feel a smidge of pity for some of these people. On the other, fuck them. I’m a poor white person who needs change too, but I’m also neither a bigot nor a fucking idiot so I’m really over the “poor white people just wanted change!” narrative. It feels patronizing and infantalizing. The only people

Why do we care what right wing news and CNN

Liberals fall for this all the time. That’s why my feed has been full of stupid articles inviting me to empathize with white working classes, because their economic fears made them vote for a Nazi.

Why do we care what right wing news and CNN, media sellout for ratings think at all? Is there some belief most liberals will fall for any of this? The real mistake right wing news makes is believing we’re as gullible as their usual readers.

This was nauseating to watch but there was a line that really laid out the answer for the white female Hillary voters who were in shock and awe that a bunch of white women voted for Trump:

Honest question: Tomi Lahren, Kellyanne Conway, Ann Coulter, Megyn Kelly, Nancy Grace.


why do racist ass white women keep ruining their hair in the same way