
No, I don’t think so. The fact that he could be a part of the “Never Trump” movement and then is willing to kiss the ring immediately after the election suggests he’s fickle and self-interested.

It will never cease to amaze me how important it is to right wingers to “fight back” against the practice of mandating what women are allowed to wear in public — by mandating what women are allowed to wear in public.

I hate how scripted this show is now.

I apologetically love this show. I hate James. Also, his decorating for his girlfriend was awful. I wondered if she got to throw darts at the balloons for prizes. Also, Lala is okay except when she’s stressed, gets drunk, and is with James. I think 1 leads to 2 and then disaster happens. Also, Ariana’s brother

Well, Internet bullying is her pet cause and I guess she’s diving right in.

Yeah holy fuck this woman is pure evil. Fuck her.

“Sorry Barron, it sucks to be scrutinized for every little thing because your parent decided to run for President. But hey, at least you won’t have anyone on the left calling you the First Dog”

Okay I know, anyone can sue over anything.

Has it occurred to her that it might help if her own husband stopped making fun of the disabled?

“American spies have infiltrated the Iranian government! True heroes, even if they are Muslims. Go get em’ boys!”

Tweeting is talking. The nation should pay attention when the President talks.

Tweeting classified info seems like a given. He’s like that shit friend everyone had in elementary school who swore she/he would keep your secret and made it 2 seconds before blurting it out to the playground.

I bet if enough people tweeted their doubt that he’s trusted with any real intel he’d probably take the bait. He seems that type.

He always has and always will. Fuck Bernie Sanders over and over. HRC was right: back to the basement kiddos that Xbox is not going to play itself.

I ain’t mad. I have said it before, I will no doubt say it approximately ten million times in the next (hopefully) four years but I will be damned if I will go gracefully into a Trump administration. Anything big or small or in between that discomfits that fascist fuck is fine by me. And that includes Jill Stein.

Good job not reading the computer scientists reasoning why. The computer to load all the software and run them is connected to the Internet.

Maybe because Negan reminds us a little too much of a certain person who was recently elected? I like to work out my anxiety by getting scared of imaginary zombies, not have it amplified by getting scared of an imaginary dictatorial narcissist.

....hold up. Weren’t you the same person questioning the motives of the anti-Trump protesters? Didn’t you and I have a back and forth about the importance of protests to express the anger and pain of marginalized peoples? So why is this different now? Because it affects your people?

Ok I’ll say it: He’s fat.